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Everything posted by Lazar

  1. Lazar


    Have fun Jeanie! And take pictures of your new house!
  2. Thank you everyone! It was a blast! Here is the link for the album. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2347964425119.142893.1430324505&type=1 Yvette - thank you for the heads up, in fact, lots of tour guides there told us about a million times about that, so It's pretty serious.
  3. Thank you Agne. It's 4.30 am right now, we are about to leave to the airport. I am so excited for the plane trip! It's my first time.
  4. I won't be online tomorrow, so I just want to say goodbye for 4 days. I wasn't online these days, because I was in Belgrade for 7 days, and went to violin classes. Hope you are all having a great summer!
  5. You should try and make it
  6. You could have not said it better Yvette. Right now, as I'm writing this, she is mentioned on the news, and there are some videos showed from the funeral. (I think) And in almost every report about her (including this one I am watching), her last concert is mentioned, in Belgrade. I hate how the reporters make an elephant out of a fly! The reporters voice in the background is saying: (translate) she was horrible that night! I didn't see a worse concert than this! SHE IS GONE! And the reporters are still calling her horrible! I hope she finds real peace up there..she had a difficult and complicated life, it's time to relax, Amy. Rest In Peace
  7. AND the worst thing ever is that when she came here in Serbia, she was booed off the stage, and those who booed her off, are now calling themselves "fans", after her death. I know that fact because one person I know is behaving just like that! That is awfully wrong!
  8. My friends are doing that a lot! They also say: I don't care, she killed herself, it was her fault. That's just wrong.
  9. Have a safe trip, and enjoy it there!
  10. As much as I hate to say it, it was just a matter of time for something like this to happen. And I have fallen into some kind of a depression these 2 days, and can't get out of it. I feel pretty much the same way as Rihanna now.
  11. That is false and a lie. Don't believe in that.
  12. Totally agree! The past week has been awful for me. My grandma got an blood pressure attack a few days ago, my aunt broke her arm on her dads (my grandpas) bday, my nephew fell into the pool (he's only 1 and a half), so I can say,for me, this is the worst summer ever!!
  13. I don't know what is the right section for this, but I am shocked and my heart is broken! I can't believe it! So much talent, so much beauty! I used to listen to her like crazy, and right now I am crying, yes, crying! I guess everything happens for a reason, and this is an important message to everyone - Don't use drugs! I know I won't! NEVER! Rest In Peace, Amy Winehouse, you were an inspiration and a hero to a lot of people, I hope you find peace in heaven now.
  14. Lazar

    Rigorous diet..

    Hope you buy a new one soon! Take a pic when you do! I have ran yesterday a little, and all what I can say is - TIRING! But I won't give up!
  15. Milk and Cola. Awkward combo
  16. The only actor I have respect for is Nicole Kidman tbh. Her acting has something special in it, and I love it! I don't hate the actors of the Harry Potter, but I don't love them as well. So I am staying neutral about this one. The movies (all parts) are gonna be talked about for hundreds of years, and will leave a big mark on the history.
  17. Lazar

    Rigorous diet..

    @agunikas (remember that name ? ) Thank you for the support, but I am fat. And I don't like how I turn out in the pictures, so I photoshop them and put them as my profile picture. I've only did that with one picture (so far). Here is it. http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/185670_1878781015827_1430324505_2124443_3662201_n.jpg I looked like I had 100 pounds on that picture, so I had to photoshop it @Tromo I like Ice Cream.. OK I love ice cream But I don't like to eat those kind of small ones (you know, ice cream on a stick, in a cornet, or in a cup). I buy family ice cream and eat almost the entire thing! And that is totally bad @Rocio First of all, here are lots of hugs! It has been a long time since I came around, It's been a long time, but I'm back in town! Sorry, just had a Lady Gaga moment I missed you! How are you? Are things going well? And thank you for the info on your sugar free year. I just am not sure if I avoid sugar, and don't do any sports, will it affect my weight? Because, I don't like running. Yesterday, I went to a local running track, and I ended up being sick.
  18. I didn't see it yet. Why did you hate every Harry scene?
  19. And here are some underwater-reef ones Clown fish is my favorite salt-sea fish! It's so unique and beautiful, I just love it! I think I'm gonna put the last one as my avatar!
  20. I saw this thread way ago, and I love it! I never posted in it though. Love the pictures Luka. Let's bring in a summer-beach-sunset mood. And this one is absolutely my favorite! It's designed for a perfect long romantic walk on the beach!
  21. I've added the last one. I just told my sister (who is in Vienna) how we spent our time, and showed her the pictures. She loled at the goat-on-roof one
  22. Let's come up with a caption for it! If I still played PS, I would post a comp for the caption lol Hmm I have 1: I wish I knew what our real home looks like. It's really true, because they are in a not-very-big cage, and there are lots of them in it.
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