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Everything posted by pydrumerboy

  1. ahaa, you sound not surprised...hehe, and thanks
  2. Since I will offcially stop hunting on this 7-11 promo, I will POS what I found on monday night. Nah Ambik ni With some of the other cars in the wave Not gonna post the badbaggers......ugh More pics in the blog later
  3. next time ask for help la......so many 512 there at the time......haiz, tell you ady tsk tsk tsk
  4. Today I was in a small town on the way to some other place. Stopped by the 7-11. Qombee wave, thats fine, everything normal, looked at the cars, just as expected, most of the cars are what we have previously bought or seen, then loked at the price...WHAT THE ******** 14.90......
  5. Now check to see if the back engine bonet can open or not Adrian
  6. That vw custom comes from the GMC motorhome wave
  7. Fast gassin is very very light....nice haul kuku
  8. I think he did not complain for so long ady.......thats good and this haul is very very good....hehe
  9. that evo X may not be able to kejar the GTR, then what...hahaha
  10. If I had a "transporter" like startrek, and it was sent to me as promised, then can show la....huhuhu
  11. 1 point for helathy competition - goes to ckh
  12. Ever hear about healthy competition...can be fun too. It has its place. Lets have fun........what super are you talking about guyy......hmmmm.....errr demon....help help
  13. My 3 ctr crads all tagged 'metro rides'
  14. check your cards and see whether the "new wave" produced 2009 or 2008.
  15. Well looking at the back of the ctr cards. the red - 2007 mattel the yellow and silver - 2008 mattel Does this answer your question?
  16. You all not three musketeers but more like three stooges....keh keh keh
  17. Bro..the staff didnt treat u like they treat me ah???..... nah..ambik ini...cari sendiri>>!! ... u have no idea.,. :oops1: :oops1: :oops1: !!!!!! ... i know ur better than me in this...! u have no idea how much better
  18. :LOL!: That goes for you too undercover.....wait have we ever even seen your haul.....:LOL!: calm down ...just kidding...hehe
  19. I remember sinclair got his silver ctr from australia la
  20. Hey thank you guys for the compliments. @alfagta - As for the best hunter& scorer thingy, I am sure I am not the best. The best one is not posting his findings here. Total annonymity on his findings. I put my findings here trying to provoke the best to surface but its not working. He is still hiding. I will try again
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