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Everything posted by hokuan

  1. What type of paint did you use?
  2. Hehe, nice luck bro Hmm, those petronas selling old or new hotwheels?
  3. Haha, semi-fast II must be a car first to be supercar
  4. Hehe, I define supercar as having a powerful engine, super-fast, and of coz from it's engine sound
  5. Copy ur link, then select "insert image" when you wanna post
  6. And Chevy Camaro Concept is Muscle car but qualified as Supercar, due to it's powerful performance. Just like Nissan GTR.
  7. Caddilac V16 is a supercar, it even made an appearance in Discovery Channel Supercar documentary.
  8. This should be considered as supercar too i think..
  9. It's pace car babeh, you cant run
  10. So those with signature is random to get?
  11. Wah, how can all these greenies suddenly pop out? Guantanamo? Cuba?
  12. Haha, you mean the error of the surfin' bus?
  13. U all illegal modify, don't run!
  14. Wow, you got two camaro! Nice nice
  15. hokuan


    Lets start raiding kedai runcit!
  16. hokuan


    Those are found at petrol station?
  17. hokuan


    Wow, ten years ago...You built a time machine?
  18. Hehe, yeah, bought it for rm45 at ebay..
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