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Everything posted by undercoverbrother

  1. My credit card got swallowed by atm machine in Amcorp. Facepalm is all i can do.
  2. Even on normal days i will either request for no plastic bag or let me insert the hotwheels into the plastic myself (if there's 8 cars i'll just hand her single piece to scan and say "Lapan"), that's how fussy i am. Wildspirit the 'Paid' sticker you don't need to worry much if if it's at the front, it's the back that you need to be more careful peeling it. The front printed card had some kind of gloss on it. Kidraul WD is a bit strong, best alternative is usually acetone (nail polish) but as for me i use lighter fluid (zippo, amco etc) as i use it for design works as well. Do not soak the card, just few drops on wiping the cloth will do.
  3. No one here ever know my actual nickname hehe..
  4. Setelah membuat siasatan mendalam saya percaya suspek yang didedahkan YU5H ada hubungkait rapat dengan seorang penagih civic tegar yang rekod undercovernya berada dalam tangan saya. Malah besar kemungkinan kedua-duanya adalah orang yang sama.. Spoiler:
  5. You dah lupa Hot Rod Keras Club.
  6. Dean Bistro ramly burger taruk curry powder for the win.
  7. Hahahaha.. watched recent South Park episode yesterday poor Danica Patrick got killed by Cartman. (can't find better youtube upload)
  8. Wah, not bad! Nice collection and display dude, Kidraul is certified playa.
  9. Hehe.. tak mengapa, asalkan belanja shopping mereka pun kita leburkan jua maaf mesti diterima punya.
  10. Whoa with your name, will make sure i get one lol.
  11. No problem! And no, don't refer it as 'mistakes' dude, word mistake means you got the whole thing totally wrong example i want to draw api but turn out i accidentally drawed ayam instead. I tell you one open secret, when artist first learn their thing, they begin so by copying directly other people's work. In this case it's not wrong to let's say trace any existing flames templates done by other customizers at same time you develop your observation skills.
  12. Great effort! I do however think you need more references on flames design cause flames is not pretty straight forward thing. Sorry just have to point this out since you've been working on few flames based customs lately. Put it in as in we're drawing a tree branch with tiny branches grow out ot of it, if you could visualize well how the branches flow it would still look convincincing even if you only lay down very few strokes. Whereas if you tried very hard to imitate by adding one line after another without first studying it you'll never get the satistfaction the drawing should represent tree branches.
  13. Actually that's not really something you should be wondering as the Malays back then are totally different than Malays today, especially the elite Malays, they were far more 'liberal' so night clubs, women, gambling and all shouldn't be seen as surprising to see our fathers did it. Those are not seen as an 'offense' back then, for example if P. Ramlee was so broke he ran mahjong table there's no things like JAIS that will haul him up just because he's Malay, and most Malay goverment servants even had their own bar inside their house. So if you hear stories up to this day like royalty being an alcoholic, frequents casino, ministers keeping mistresses and all it's just their old habits never dies. I'm not saying this is a good thing, just telling how it used to be. Both my grandparents lived in this circle.
  14. Recently History Channel had this documentary about P. Ramlee's life. It's very good film for everyone to find out things he had gone through. Not many knows with all the backstabbings and politics towards end of his life P. Ramlee was so broke he can't even afford decent food on the table for his family, in fact they don't even have money for his funeral. This is how sad our industry is, and these days those people who wish to see him go down are the one glorifying him, and making tons of money on top of that. Part 1-7, go to youtube to find out the rest. But i highly suggest go download the full documentary instead (won't share the link here just google it, the avi file should be around 1GB size).
  15. Kerana mengkritik proton mods yang bijaksana dengan ini mengesyorkan agar Atomkinder dijatuhkan hukuman potong saga.
  16. Classic petronas ad.. Happy Deepavali to my fellow Hindu playaz!
  17. Prof. UcB's intellectual advise of the day.. Lingham = 'OK' = Baru Terbaiiik!
  18. 'Film director' ahh.. Ini legit punya film ka.. atau itu.. punya film.
  19. *Read - Fangula. .... Baiklah, kerana isu ini sudah berlarutan sekian lama, hari ini saya Prof. Emeritus UcB rasa bertanggungjawab untuk membetulkan semula persepsi songsang yang telah lama dibudayakan pemain-pemain (playaz) dalam HWCM. Realitinya, tidak wujud mana-mana bahan rujukan intelektual yakni lebai Google yang dapat membuktikan dengan jelas bahawa perkataan fangula adalah berkait rapat dengan organ tertentu wanita sepertimana yang dicanangkan selama ini. Ternyata orang yang mula menyebarkan idea sedemikian daya intelektualnya perlu diasah lagi, ini adalah kerana laman-laman web seperti urbandictionary adalah 'fail' secara total untuk dijadikan sumber rujukan. Fangula atau bahasa asalnya 'fangulo' adalah sebenarnya singkatan kepada sebutan Itali iaitu "va faire in culo", dimana apabila diterjemahkan bahasa kasarnya bermaksud "Go f--- yourself". Dalam erti kata lain, ya, fangula sebenarnya adalah perkataan alternatif untuk mencarut. Oleh yang demikian bagi pemain-pemain HWCM gersang yang senantiasa berfantasi untuk meneroka 'fangula', pada hemat saya lebih baik anda 'va faire in culo'. Jumpa lagi di masa akan datang dalam sesi 'mari menjadi intelektual' bersama Prof. Emeritus UcB. Sekian, terima kasih!
  20. I just felt something.. like we've bumped into each other before.. *tries to recall* Oh yeah, you the playa i got my spawn iv replacement from! Good luck on your sales dude.
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