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Everything posted by ADVedder

  1. sweet mods! lovin it! rikmun do one big group shot of your lambo!
  2. wah.. now doin flames! really movin forward with your customization! cant wait to see the results!
  3. rubber wheels are over rated man.. nice mod there! now rikmun have gang already... lambo..
  4. perhaps after this different theme of hauler?
  5. wowo! damn nice mustang! wish we have that wave now..
  6. bila plak aku kena panggil ke Bukit Aman ni.. BTW, its a really cool vers of Helang Lebuhraya.. later maybe u can suggest a Dragbus ver
  7. Lena Meyer-Landrut? hot! so is the van!!
  8. wtf? hoho.. nice.. yeah.. ni kalu eksiden, nangis tak de lagu..
  9. whoa... super nice! getting this one later!
  10. WOOT! VEry nice Impreza! equally impressive paintjob on both cars!
  11. woot woot! nice SKYLINE There!
  12. wow!~the delorean in black! nice!
  13. saw his work already, very nice detailing!
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