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Everything posted by ADVedder

  1. haha.. aku pun macam pernah lihat, tapi di mana ya..
  2. aiya! im still searching for that one! very very very hard to find already...
  3. lupa la bro.. over excited pasal dapat talladega tu.. hehe.. 1st thunt of the year.. nasib baik aku tak de RR, kalu tak, aku dah swap untuk super van..
  4. mopar tak beli la bro.. lupa.. dah pegang tadi.. come to think of it, rugi plak.. heres them in loose form.. cantik sangat..
  5. went to a nearby hypermarket.. wife wanna shopping susu, and while shes buying groceries, i went to the toys section with baby girl.. i saw HW section full, and i saw scirocco, purple tail dragger got berlambak-lambak.. at first i tot they just restock ol stuff then i notice theres a riley & scott. took one and i saw super van, behind the super van got the torino talladega.. haha.. while going thru the racks, saw chevy bel air ( i collect this casting)..
  6. plat ko terbalik la.. mula2 aku ingat mata aku tak betul...
  7. how much did u spend on those minicars? 23rm?
  8. tu la pasal.. ni mesti marketing strategy nih.. creating hype!
  9. hey there! nice collection u got there! do post some more pictures!
  10. haa... mamat volvo ni dah tanya dah..
  11. The Store Jb? aduh.. jauh siot!
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