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Everything posted by ADVedder

  1. cham aku cari f1 majorette.. mana nak cekau ek? aku tengok kat kl tak jumpa f1 vers..
  2. im still searching for that model.. for now only have to satisfy to this..
  3. i believe the stamps would cost a fortune, but i dont think it could fetch up to that high..
  4. Toyota Wish # 93, and Toyota Vellfire #48 regular, already available..
  5. i also get the same nissan z locally..
  6. maybe this year i will post more than last year..
  7. aiya.. lupa la i punya blog.. just click at my signature there..
  8. chip and dale DM out already at Litt Takk.. TL 112 / 113 also out..
  9. aiyah.. let me warm it for you first..
  10. @hokuan - i wanna buy barbie also for my lil girl! hehehe.. snazzy band looks nice...
  11. kurz post la some new jada.. bump this thread...
  12. fee witttt... nice viper!!!
  13. wow!! really nice customs! love the colour combination u uses! metallic!
  14. i think this one is from tikam set rite? i got tikam set also.. from targa..
  15. haa.. betul tu.. ingat buat game je.. tapi ada kete menan sekali..
  16. dunno, i also confuse just because sugar naik, everything want to naik? come on la.. if petrol hike last time i can understand, but sugar? come on man.....
  17. hahaha... aku memang tabur racun dah kat gambar tu.. supaya lekat kat mata korang
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