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Everything posted by ADVedder

  1. i want to poison ckh collecting tomica plak..
  2. more evo X coming your way... tungguuuuu...
  3. kalau aku dapat la.. nak looooose kan.. hehe.. bagi dia race mcqueen..
  4. @ ckh - wah.. dah ada DB tu.. missing the penske
  5. @rg sukan - how much for the chick hick?
  6. hi there al.. appreciate your works.. how long does it takes for you to do one custom?
  7. thats a set bro.. a piece cost RM 17.90 at litt tak..
  8. several box of 12 pcs only. if wanna buy better buy fast!
  9. nice one! follow the masters footsteps you will soon..
  10. coca cola tikam set already arrived at litt tak!
  11. enzo also inside the list! one of the fastest car in the world! can u imagine.. why isnt midget inside the list?
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