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Everything posted by kuih_tiow

  1. finally the picture... no prob masalah teknikal nice catch + thunt + bluebird
  2. Geronimo 888 Happy birthday to you bro... spam some birthday party~
  3. i tot gunpla like tamiya model kits but different version...
  4. dang...haul super and regular only ka bro? nice2...like py said earlier..this is super duper...muahahaha
  5. joint the club altho a bit late
  6. ur going to be there untill when sinclair? omg..i c some niceeeee jada that i miss last time
  7. that Qombee valentine edition for sale also ar bro?
  8. i oso cant c..maybe BB coding salah nie...
  9. ouch...that 2006 bug i miss the short card...
  10. nice item dude... one day would purchase from you~
  11. ^ya2...but xc90 n c30 matchbox got... will mattle hear my prayer?
  12. your so cute with your HW...so they give ur d 3d card...hehehehhe..jk..jk..jk nice haul dude!!
  13. omg... red 250lm?cool man... im broke if i haul like this...hahahahhaha
  14. truly civic maniac... good luck on the remaining...
  15. nice collection and nice custom van!!
  16. nice baja bug 8.. erm..this is which year baja bug ya?
  17. nice haul on matta fair day.. matta fair at pwtc as normal rite? im guessing u haul at the mall?
  18. hahahahaha...u only use a bit of zam2 on me la py... all zam2 u use for urself...need to teach me zam2 afta this... dang..nice BB thunt...$upers some more..
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