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Everything posted by kuih_tiow

  1. spare some for me.. later send to me k......
  2. ur ZAM-ZAM half working r bro... but tq la for the magic spells... at least got another qombee regular..
  3. your all time fav mmg nice la ejat...
  4. still available or been trade oredi?
  5. ^need to run off to the nearby TRU... nice score elgee...
  6. kuih_tiow

    Singapore Haul

    nice since 68 hokuan...
  7. u grab that evo x sinclair? the dodge here got during first wave CS..but i didnt bought
  8. Burkkk..........thx Blue-eye....
  9. MBX CTR Short Card got... oppssss...off topic
  10. nice new banner~ simple and easy...
  11. ^i want LC Thunt Angles/Qombee
  12. agree!from the side view oso the RED look oredi cun...
  13. Bro cooolman , can i use 1 of your 3 pack car?
  14. no-no-no... sharing is caring... but 8 have a lot...me ciput2...
  15. happy birthday danny90 may all ur dreams and wishes come true
  16. dun hav lor...thats y i try my luck here~
  17. nice red skyline jun08...where u bought those?
  18. not now py...stuck at studio lab lor... save the magic spells for this coming saturday or sunday...ok?
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