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Everything posted by kuih_tiow

  1. [quote="pydrumerboy"]Wow nice qombee eyropean card....kt....scoring there now huh Spoiler: [/quote] you lagi power py...now got camaro...still missing this camaro i to complete my not so complete regular thunt 2008 btw , during qombee haul , i was the scalper here!!hahahhahaha
  2. nice garage~ 3 police car to protect ur assets...hehehhe
  3. smart+nice haul... heading towards ur blog afta this!! congratz
  4. nice superchrome mini bro... i still dun hav it...but u got 2units already!!
  5. thats great elgee... sure ur collection will grow from time to time... hehehehehe
  6. fav resource >>i think i know...hehehehhe
  7. yup.here all short card/but sometimes long card spotted at tesco.only tesco.
  8. mr sinclair power!! ive got only 1 cars from your total haul...
  9. ok2.noted. elgee , in aus all short card also ya?
  10. nvmd dude...later can trade some short card with long card faster2 show off your latest tunerz ejat... i know ur tunerz freak
  11. nope.have not open my 5 pack yet... diff package diff card inside is it?
  12. is it the new current wave with 2009 new card or just before 2009 new card? actually long card found early this year... last few days grab this short card... thx btw
  13. Nice DHL...still looking around if some hav extra.... i cant find it here...
  14. ^suddenly got lots of blue evo x.. regret didnt grab d red evo x
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