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Everything posted by kuih_tiow

  1. ^ u still dun have any py?i tot last time reading ur report u got...or that was DK?hahahhaha...noted~
  2. hahahahha...i like that statement addrick "tepuk dada tanya selera " buy2...buy2...
  3. nice purchase elgee...shortcard also...great!!
  4. finally giant batu caves restock.is it only 1 datsun left on the pegs?or u only grab 1 unit left the remaining datsun? if got alot can roger my bro to take take datsun...seems nice...
  5. suddenly i fell like buying this dodge van...hahhahahaha....
  6. nice mod bro... maybe after coke u can try mod the A-Team van...
  7. nice datsun..cant wait to hav those datsun and for sure will rape the card ( if got extra ) btw , nice hauls
  8. nice collection dude... since may 2008?wah...
  9. nearby my area small sainsbury only.not toys section. u found 1 thunt in post office/grocery?omg...afta tis need to raid all those grocery i guess. studying here bro..hehehhe..which part of uk were u last time? i only hav 1 long card Ferrari f430 spider (pr5) spam ur thunts please...after you..hehehehe
  10. yup.in uk mostly shop sell shortcard , but sometimes certain tesco sell longcard also. only managed to score 2 thunt here... i loike ur red f430
  11. nice haul...congratz~ later can request individual photoshoot
  12. hopefully it is Qombee wave... here still angel wave woo... thx for d info bro..
  13. hehehehe...1+1... this vw bug which wave r actually?kindda lost...
  14. wah...nice mask takata....cam transformer
  15. nice haul...u take one each r bro?or u skip some 2009 models?
  16. more?hurmm.....how many more bro?hehehehhehe
  17. Last year i went to this Bintang @ selayang capitol...got 5 humvee scraphead hanging there...but the card no nice oredi...only take 2 out of five..
  18. Hampess Giant Batu Caves~ Thx bro for d update
  19. wow..DA haul...alot man.... artt...which character Bulldog in M.A.S.K? thx cooolman
  20. thx art...afta tis...tis truck can fight with semi fast
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