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Everything posted by kuih_tiow

  1. nice morris mini ones... tak sabar waiting for you to upload all...
  2. civic more power than hummer woo...hahahhahah... btw..nice collection addrick..
  3. last year r?ok2...thx kurz... cun woo that car...
  4. i oso dunno y ur siggy special up there...let me check first....
  5. voted oredi... who the nice guy that give the idea " Hot Wheels for Life "
  6. modern classic looks nice tho...bravo2..
  7. there r no lazy term hunter lor.. at least u need to scout around the best..oso hunter la...but e-Hunter
  8. wah..i see u got blue evo x already mr ejat...nice2... all 3+ yellow colour...hehehehhehe....
  9. nice haul bro..which part of 7e?in terengganu i guess?
  10. kuih_tiow

    haul 7/2/09

    my bad...i tot ur in seremban
  11. those black enzo im interested but then again...i dun hav any $uper to trade with... can trade with other item?£
  12. besides fastback any other stuff ur interested at?
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