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Everything posted by Raymond

  1. Raymond


    Designer:Danica Patrick What do you think???
  2. http://fantasy.sports.mylaunchpad.com.my/ Join Now RM80000 to be won League Code 617-381 Create your team and join now
  3. How to type around a number... i tried to create the outline of the number and type on path but this little red box apper on the corner and i cant type pls help TIA
  4. saya pun ic 08 jugak tapi tinggal kat s'gor....blh join ke???
  5. i;ve got a lot of japanese cars which models u specially want
  6. from klang town near centrepoint bus station to bayu perdana bro,,
  7. I need to get tfrom Klang to Bayu Perdana tmrw noon....So I anyone know pls tell me......... TIA
  8. kurang ajar i am looking for something and you post this for what? watch you mouth.....gv respect take respect dont talk like you are the boss here....
  9. budak kecil kecil, tolong diam sikit boleh tak? people asking for help, you keh poh come here for what? parents no teach you manners is it? shame on your parents. wtf dont you dare to talk about me....you la got x manners talk about others peoples parents ..... your parents did not teach you well...macam bapak ko punya forum ko ni marah....
  10. but this cannot be spotted toy size..........
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