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Everything posted by RGSUKAN

  1. cover balik..cover balih...ehemm..betultu maksud flip, bukan typo error...huhuhuh
  2. saya tak percaya haul you camni....mana lagi?
  3. BJ & the bear ( actually a chimp ) upenya..ingatkan optimus ( not octopus )....huhuhu
  4. Spoiler: cantikni..green lantern jegakni..... Oi pakai 'spoiler' la dont want..so what...?...hahahahhaha
  5. ya betultu....saya setuju......
  6. yeke nan? FB ada bukak tak?...aduyaiii..cisn ko nan...
  7. GT mengganas lagi.....melelehhhhhhh
  8. manade posa lagi daaaa...masa dah time dahhh..hahahha
  9. aikkk..tu bukan yang penyanyi arituke?
  10. i like your loose haul....
  11. ko minat placenyake minat flowerhornni?
  12. yaaa..im thinking of that too bro.....what wheel im gonna use yaa......hmmmmmm
  13. thanks sinclair...dunno why, now fell in love with this casting....beratttt...
  14. alamak..rockster tahun bilatu daaaa..pun still ada lagi....congrats
  15. hmmmmm...i jeles actually, haul like this said boring haul...hahahhaha
  16. yela..DD ada monster jam, BSpun ada, skyline patutnya adagaklaa...
  17. mintak 1 skyline, bagi ko sebijik monster jam...hahahhaha
  18. vietnam mari....i guess.....
  19. wow..nice pics..ni kat hotel manani? hehehe....
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