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Everything posted by RGSUKAN

  1. firebirdtu lawolaa..dah keluoke lom?
  2. cantik..you collect this castingke CKH? or casual only?
  3. mak aihhhh non stop spamming...hahahaha...spamming picture ok owwwhhh....teruskan..teruskan....
  4. itu namanya sudah keracunan...
  5. aku angkat tangan gaya ko ni blisss....hahaha..wilca bebenno mike nihh...
  6. one simple good tips...me like it
  7. yg ni teman bkenan sesangat.. Teman dah berkenan benda lama dah ate, offerla berape.....
  8. banyaknya dugong, belake? hahahhaha....
  9. i know...ehem..ehem...hehehehe
  10. baik betullah abang mushr00mni... congrats to both parties..
  11. nice pcs of stang there bro...pic also nice & clear..no blur blur..hahahhaa
  12. nice stang esp the green on in the front...i like

    25y Hauls...

    oooo..cari kusyennn hea...
  14. hehhee..you got me there bro...
  15. aisaymannn..yeke..hahha...nampak sangat i tak tau pasal ferarrini..hehehe..well, im noob here...hehehe
  16. wow..very nice, never seen this here before...
  17. kat TrU bukankah dah promo price....

    25y Hauls...

    boleje..nanti aku kabo ke usin yaa...
  19. nice haul MM..congrats..i see yelloy camaro there, no need to tolak right?

    25y Hauls...

    kita bako aje ..kita bako......
  21. Cantek, hang kan puasa mana boleh mintah orang lain raise leg heheheh...gersangni bang..terpaksa suruhgak..hahahaha
  22. kekekkee....tak tahan you punya ayat..kekekeke..but, thanks bro..kekekek
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