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Everything posted by mushr00m

  1. The only I could think of now is for you to go to a video shop and have it converted digitally..
  2. hearing in malay makes it so real.. ahahaha batu api.. check your email tomorrow bro.. got somemore batu api coming to town...
  3. Yup... really nice car with cool tampos... Those who are still interested, Parkson 1U is still having this on pegs.. around 4-5 pcs left..
  4. fuyoooooooo... very nice... 4 TH$...
  5. Nice one rgsukan.. here's mine..
  6. rgsukan mesti gigil tengok nih.. ahahahhaa
  7. fuh... marvelous collection... giler babs...
  8. well.... bright people would not be buying a kcar to speed..
  9. it might go a bit bigger after tomorrow bro.. ekekek... new stuff will be on you email.... probably tomorrow morning..
  10. Wow... nice goldie...
  11. Sales thread updated with new stuff...
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