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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. darn!!! so jealous... = = why jealous bro!! Go get one with higher spec lah!!
  2. kaka.. i havent got it yet.. a friend in indonesia got it waiting for tis to come here oso why waiting??? Get it from amcorp mall!!
  3. huh??? Danielh 'handsome'???? annoucement; HWCM handsome Nombor Satu: CKH. yuck!!! NO!! Should be our HRKC Prez....Hassan!!
  4. can't believe it.......just 6th day of july and no bullet, or reserved the big bullets for coming poison...hehehe.. u better believe me bro!!
  5. nice smoke effect!! And that GTO look great too!
  6. see both of this at jusco..but didnt buy!! No bullet!!
  7. Hassan always got a lot of joker in him!! Show more..pls!!
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