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Everything posted by danielh

  1. nicer than the previous onelahhhh net.... mine is the prevous one.. nice hauler and nice car,
  2. you got the point. sometimes, i noticed that some senior citizen uncle and auntie stick to speed limits at the overtakes lanes and the best parts is, all the horn blaring fell into their deaf or shutted ears. Well life goes on.
  3. haha, in HWCM, all the customizer here are sifu. we learned from each other, don't we? Oh yes.....and I believed in you as you got the talent and maybe our DR brader may arrange some meeting with US team? Shake hand with phil hope won't make you pengsan rite bro......hahahaha if i have the chance, i'll be
  4. haha, in HWCM, all the customizer here are sifu. we learned from each other, don't we?
  5. agree, only the match tomorrow morning will decide the winners. and Netherlands are waiting in the finals.
  6. thanks man....can custom for me? since i got so many stock hahaha no problem, but the waiting list now stretching to 3 months. Wahlao eh....busy man uh...3 months time i also not around kl d lo...hehe anyway keep up customize alive! love u cuztomization i would love to cut short the time but cannot rush custom work. keep in touch.
  7. thanks man....can custom for me? since i got so many stock hahaha no problem, but the waiting list now stretching to 3 months.
  8. saw that too. i think Germany wont be bother by it, they just believe in themselves,
  9. thanks bro, will pm you on my next new project
  10. thanks sinclair. thanks bro yup, that shelby GT500 really nice. thanks bro!
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