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Everything posted by hassan

  1. screw the new year... me want NEW WAVE ady.. arrgghhh... bring it on... hehe.. burp... must be the beer... ermm root beer... HAPPY NEW YEAR to all collectors .
  2. huh.. bendele melah ady...malam jumaat plak tu.... . btw jhc nice haul. big scale poison la this...
  3. hassan

    latest haul

    thanx guys appreciate all the great comments.... not giler kentang gile bs...
  4. nice paint work there bro..
  5. hehehe got any more bro....
  6. hassan

    latest haul

    just only arrive... tq postman pat.. bs racun
  7. nothin new to haul so this is waht i did.... and my favourite Spoiler:
  8. Dude...not hard to customize one for your own collection ma ....actually I do that for my own collection too. Can't find - custom lor. at least it makes me happy and forget about hunting for it for the meantime, concentrate on others, if it pops up - CooL BeanS! btul ... btul... btul...
  9. anyways... u got insider ka .. wahteva ka... just remember that what goes around comes around ... u do good wit wat u got then good will come to u .... thats karma... u dont believe in karma? ... watch the amazing race... nuff said..... whoopassssss...
  10. wallawey come on la guys. welcome to the real world!!!. To be in front these days u gotta work smart. And it doesnt stop at hotwheels only .... getting into uni, getting a job, gettting projects.... etc. Having insider, leaving ur contact no. or what ever is working smart la. life aint fair so deal wit it. Lets be honest who dont want or like having the advantage? i sure would like it. those who don't will normally complain... boo hoo.. step up to the plate. the world is a friggin jungle aiit.. u wanna be the wimpy pathetic cutesie deer be my guest .. i'd rather be the ass whoopin neck slicin meat eatin lion ... hear me roar ..... meoowwww
  11. hassan

    Shades of Gold

    wallawey... bling bling overload.... pedih mata... hehe
  12. great stuff ... everybody... love the g stuffs.... keep it up
  13. hassan

    RAOKED from a friend

    lucky you... very generous of him..
  14. hassan

    RAOK from Shakz

    wah itu raok terlebih sudah tu. raok ada 'makna' tu hahaha..... when do i get to be raok by you????
  15. hohoho ... hadiah for you la .... this year u very good boy perhaps ... .
  16. wow.... great job love the r8. looks better than maisto nfs hehehe
  17. my latest acquisition. t.q bro k & a . nippon poison
  18. hassan

    yesterday's haul

    nothing much just these ,...
  19. merry christmas to all and happy holidays
  20. hassan

    Surfin' Bee

    woohoo wicked ..... siamese twin melekat at the bumper ... nasty
  21. i got couple of c4s lying around. u up for it. . actually i use the 7/32 drillbit ( ask for besi when buying ) to open my cars . just get rid of the rivet and voila sudah tanggal ady. use battery drill coz a bit slower than eletric drill. hmm thats about it.
  22. the white r8 was the worst among all. looked totally cheap and laupey. if sell below rm10 i'll probably buy just for the wheels. haha. but to each his own i'm just giving my opinion only.
  23. hmm so so only la. rush all the way to OU ystrday but bought nothing. only 30% of me,myself and i wanted em hehe. only want the c6r la the rest is like custom version of regular series.
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