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Everything posted by smadli07

  1. balik kg alor setar and got these...
  2. @netmatrix - same but surely urs lagi banyak lor... @ckh - thanks... @sahama - tima kaseh tuan... my wife's officemate tolak rm50 ja... @danielh - thanks man... @hassan - tima kaseh bang... @rgsukan - tq...
  3. @speeddemonz - thanks @mushr00m - tenkiu bro... cannot remember when...
  4. @jhc - thanks man... @pydrumerboy - my son loves them too...
  5. hi guys... want to share with u some of my recent hauls... your comments are much appreciated... my first HW... actually it's for my son...
  6. smadli07

    May's Haul..

    nice hauls... lawa convoy...
  7. manyak cantek ur haul.... nicey2....
  8. cant wait anymore... hehehhe...
  9. Wow, how come they show cartoons so late?? 10pm?? Kids should be in bed by then. must be 18SG then...
  10. zoom in more DD tu mesti dia jd jagged/blur2...
  11. Penang??? cantekk!! should u need any help, saya ada... jadi pak pacak pon ok...
  12. hahhaha... terbalik.... nice one...
  13. double shot... very nice....
  14. nice!! still hunting for that K&N...
  15. found at 7E alor setar...
  16. hi guys.. am new member here... just want to share with u about ecto-1.. those who live in penang (ada ka??) can go to Giant bayan baru... saw about 2nos ecto 1... tp keta tu kat customer service counter... meaning that u hv to buy 3 HW and get 1 free... then u ble redeem ecto 1... hehehe...
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