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Everything posted by smadli07

  1. ni lagi sorang... hahhaha.. boleh ja bro... best nih...
  2. thanks bro.. tak kering tp wallet ada kopak sikit la...
  3. congrats!!! dasat2... also fainted...
  4. tq ckh... my luck maybe... isap rokok pon keluar asap berbunga2....
  5. nice... esp. yamahauler...
  6. tima kaseh bang... sikit2 lama2 jd bukit.. and my first mbx.. Spoiler: buy cigar? ekekkeeke... congratis bro ... 12pcs? must be for the promo... thanks... not promo.. but they usually restock sikit2... nak habis 12pc pon susah bro... hahaha... thanks sinclair.. true... seronot!!! tq danielh... thanks muscle...
  7. update 29june10... lunchtime went to 7E to buy cigar... suddenly staff said 'HW baru sampai... 12bijik ja'... hah??? 12pc only??? belek, belek, belek... and my first mbx.. Spoiler:
  8. thanks bro.. but the camaro reserved already la.. but I'll keep a look out for you... You looking for camaro only? psst.. bro.. pm me you email.. got some stuff to show.. done!!! salah sorang yang bakal menjadi mangsa keracunan cendawan... xpa bro.. pejam mata, telan la sikit... ada ubat???
  9. thanks bro.. but the camaro reserved already la.. but I'll keep a look out for you... You looking for camaro only? psst.. bro.. pm me you email.. got some stuff to show.. done!!!
  10. patah balik!! patah balik cepat... ur hauls really nice la....
  11. nice sinclair... if this u called it small haul... big haul camna la.... congrats!!
  12. fantastic bro... mata mu sungguh tajam...
  13. ok2 aku simpan... sungguh sentimental...
  14. opocot!!! fantastic!! better detour to retails la b4 i take my son...
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