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well im jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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well im jealous!!!!!!!!!i feel envy (in good point)...........yvete and audrey make me feel that Laughing cause i saw their pics!!!!!!!!!!!!and they were full of snowwwwwwwww ...
there (greece) we have spring, summer dont know what season!!!!!!!we have 21 degrees!!!!!omg why??????and its 1st of december

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Trust me...I would gladly swap the British weather for yours lol...its freezing here...and I have to go out this afternoon

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lisa trully im afraid that 10 years later greece will be like sahara!!!!!!!!!

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Tiddly Winks wrote:
Ditto, I would gladly swap. -4°C is no fun. I want to make like a bear and hibernate.

i can understand u hun!!!!!!!

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I'd love to swap too, although the snow has some charms as well
(It's -6°C here now, but it feels a lot colder)

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In italy started snowing a little too today, but as you know, I like it! At least until Christmas, in January I start looking forward to spring!

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I dont know, I have never lived in a cold wheater place, but I think this, if its cold, you can put on a lot of warm clothes, coat, hat etc, and you dont feel cold anymore
But with hot wheather, even if you wearing a bikini you feel hot
I am kind of jeolus too about snow, I would like to have snow here but for now that is impossible (we never know due to climate changes), probably for some hours just to touch snow congratulations

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I also love when it is chilly and especially when it rains. congratulations Right now it is a little cold in L.A. but it won't snow. It only snows in the mountains which are about a 20-30 minute drive. congratulations It is so sunny here all the time that it gets boring. But, I do like it when it begins to warm up in the spring. I would love to spend a fall and winter (but especially fall-it's my favorite season) on the East Coast (of U.S).

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I eny them too!!! HEre was first snow than all washed by rain And not fair DEcember and no Normal snow

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send some snow also here in UAE, the last time, there were snows in the mountains of Ras Al Khaimah, which is maybe 45 minutes from here driving...

i want some snow too Sad

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Tromo3 wrote:

Some Yesterday Snow!!!

HAHAHA...THANKS!!! GOT IT ,,,, Laughing

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i live in Maine in the states and let me tell u we get sooooo much snow in the winter that most of us begin to hate it 2 winters ago we had 19 major snow storms with over 3 feet of snow each storm!!!!the snow banks were literally turning into mountains! in portland, our largest city, dump trucks had to be brought in to remove alot of the snow because there was no where left to push it!!!! i wish we could send some ur way!! we have already had some snow this season but not alot YET!!

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Well, I had an appointment today, but seems I will have to cancel it. There's fallen SO much snow the buses don't drive and it's too risky to go driving around with the car...

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We've had a little snow falling just before Thanksgiving, but it was all washed away by the rain (which is normal for us). Our winter is starting off colder than usual. Here in Portland with the first snow, everybody goes stupid and the schools will close even if it is barely one inch!

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esperia wrote:
here (greece) we have spring, summer dont know what season!!!!!!!we have 21 degrees!!!!!omg why??????and its 1st of december

I second that!!!!!!!!

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