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Happy New Year PSFC!! :D :D

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Maybe I'm the first? LaughingLaughing
Indonesia is already 2011 20 minutes ago!! Happy new year from Indonesia
I wish everyone happy new year!! congratulationscongratulations

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HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I forgot to open my PS today.. We were so busy...

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It's just under 4 hours to go til New Year for us here in the UK but Happy New Year everyone though! congratulationscongratulations
Hope 2011 is a great year for you all x

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Happy new year!!! :tree2: :tree2: :tree2: :tree2: :pen:

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Happy new year to all at PSFC and your families

I hope 2011 brings you all lots of happiness and luck xxx

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Happy New Year to one and all ...may 2011 bring you all you wish for xx

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