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Shakz's Haul 26th Feb

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Hi HotWheelers......

Im sure most of u guys are back from doing a site visit to Ahem Ahem's Hse.... Very Happy

Sure banyak poison there... Sorry cant make it coz emergency need to visit some1 at Hospital...

Was forced to visit this so so aunty who is sick at Melaka.... while passing by Ayer Keroh noticed potential hunting ground...

Decided to drop by and this is what i found...

Nuthing much mostly same old stuff Rolling Eyes , and 2pcs 09 cards....


This 1 bought yesterday 24th Feb ... now oni got time to update.. planing to collect full set of Colour Shifter... Cool


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Wow, great haul man!And some more only RM3.90???
That was 2006 pricing lah~~~still selling this cheap?

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2 dk
2 fastback
yummy color shifter...

great haul dude...

cant wait to c ur complete color shifter...esp yellow hummer very delicious..

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MarieJuliette wrote:
Sweet color changers! We haven't seen any more new ones! Always the same wave!
Love the THs!

Same Wave?which color shifter wave currently there?

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MarieJuliette wrote:
Sweet color changers! We haven't seen any more new ones! Always the same wave!
Love the THs!

Mind sharing info on the colour shifter wave? How many of them are in this wave? And how many more waves out there? any url for refrence?



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shakz7 wrote:
Still looking for Evo colour shifter...Any 1 got extra?

i have. how many fastback u willing to trade with the evo? hehehe...

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fastbek n thunt for 3.90!!!!.......woahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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kukubeh wrote:
shakz7 wrote:
Still looking for Evo colour shifter...Any 1 got extra?

i have. how many fastback u willing to trade with the evo? hehehe...

Hahah nice try there... i would never trade even 1 fastback for Evo colour shifter.... coz will be getting in boxes soon ...hahahah...

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