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Adrian collection (7.7.2009)

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I've complete the VW teams....

And my this week hauling..
1) Custom 77 dodge van, 2) 71 dodge demon,
3) Buzz bomb, 4) 55 nomad

07 models
1) Shell shock, 2) Porsche cayman S
3) Mitsubishi eclipe concept, 4) Ford thunderbolt,
5) Mitsubishi Eclipse, 6) Custom 53 chevy

Thanks for viewving, sorry for no T-hunt and wasting your time. Neutral

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Oh dear, don't say sorry for not hauling thunts....you can practically show any hauls you have here la...nice custom 53 chevy with the transparent hood

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agree with bro pydrumerboy!!! Very Happy No need to say sorry., any hauls is a great hauls.Keep it Up!! Very Happy
btw nice hauls too!!

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hahaha TH is just n extra icing..
ur hauls are nice! cuz i have them too in my collection! Smile

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why say sorry bro.. these are great haul what.. got eclipse and thunderbolt, both i like, SmileSmile
nice hals u got there...

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Pydrumerboy:OK, I will try practice harder.Thanks bro.
Danielh:Thanks for the info, I will keep it up.
kurz:Wow, Thanks bro.
jhc7598:Ya, i also like the thunderbolt, Thanks bro.
cooolman:Thanks bro.

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nice haul mr adrian~
that buzz bomb and nomad looks nice...
and also that custom chevy~
thunt will come another day bro...
no worries

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great haul

it doesn't mean that if no thunt its a boring haul some mainline cars are just twice as better as the greens

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great haul ha bro...hard find to awesome...

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Mariejuliette:Thanks sis..
Zint3000:Ok, Thanks bro..
Aphong2681:I will keep it up, thanks bro..
Raymond:Oooo, thanks bro..
xeifu:ha.ha, thanks bro..

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Nice hauls Adrian. Thanks for sharing. Don't worry,all hauls are good hauls! Just keep them coming!

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sinclair:OK, thanks bro..
alfagta:Ooo, thanks bro..

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I bought it today, my first ferarri collecting. brows

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zint3000: Thanks bro..
kukubeh: Thanks bro..
danielh:Thanks bro, This 575GTC hard to find?
aphong2681:Thanks bro..

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