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Xebec - surprise hauling (09.07.09)

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This morning i got site visit to our new project development... after working under the sun and really exhausted, we stop by at supermarket and i got no mood to hauling hws anymore coz no new wave coming.....suddenly i saw chinese boy ( around 5 years old) carry the TH$ Qombee and offcourse i got shock.. and i try to approch to is parent that i need this TH$ qombee and his smiling and give to me and he told me his son just play around the hws and not planning to buy it.... yahooo.. i go straight to the counter to pay it...once again i got suprise the price is $10.50 dollar hehehe what to do i just pay it since this is rare species in brunei...hheheh Tq u for reading my story...

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nice surprice haul xebec!!!! Wow! didn't know that thunt sold at this price in Brunei and somemore it's rare one.

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aphong2681 wrote:
WoW..nice catch! Shld thx d boy for letting it go to u bro clap

Thks aphong...to my suprise, i forgot to say tq to his parent EmbarassedEmbarassedEmbarassed due to so happy...

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danielh wrote:
nice surprice haul xebec!!!! Wow! didn't know that thunt sold at this price in Brunei and somemore it's rare one.

Thks danielh...i also didn't know the price so high and this is my 2nd TH$ so far (my 1st TH$ is 5 years ago hehe).. how about in malaysia is the price also expensive?

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xebec-Crash wrote:
danielh wrote:
nice surprice haul xebec!!!! Wow! didn't know that thunt sold at this price in Brunei and somemore it's rare one.

Thks danielh...i also didn't know the price so high and this is my 2nd TH$ so far (my 1st TH$ is 5 years ago hehe).. how about in malaysia is the price also expensive?

Nope. Same price as with other basic cars.

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Nice catch! Lucky break for you, maybe should buy the kid another HW for his help, hehe.

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aphong2681 wrote:
xebec-Crash wrote:
danielh wrote:
nice surprice haul xebec!!!! Wow! didn't know that thunt sold at this price in Brunei and somemore it's rare one.

Thks danielh...i also didn't know the price so high and this is my 2nd TH$ so far (my 1st TH$ is 5 years ago hehe).. how about in malaysia is the price also expensive?

Nope. Same price as with other basic cars.

yes, same price as mentioned by bro aphong. :rolleyes2:

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sinclair wrote:
Nice catch! Lucky break for you, maybe should buy the kid another HW for his help, hehe.

Thks bro sinclair... planning to do that but they gone already... this is what we call lucky, when we never expecting to buy hws, at the end it's turn to suprise catch... Smile

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that boy deserve a $10.50 dollar ice cream! congraz and great haul.

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he's an angel of HOTWHEELS.. Razz bring luck to you after working whole day long Razz

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Cool, rubbber wheels..
and not T-hunt quambee again, is T-hunt$..

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wuw...raba raba~
nice catch...
bonus day for ya mr xebec~

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hey that boy is my cousin!
he said one scary uncle treated him to let it go!


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10.50 US dollar??? is it? Shocked

But nice rubber wheels you got there.... congratulations

kurz....you joking right? if not small world!!

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thanks guys... i wish i could see that boy and his parent to say tq and give some hws....

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pydrumerboy wrote:
10.50 US dollar??? is it? Shocked

But nice rubber wheels you got there.... congratulations

kurz....you joking right? if not small world!!

not us dollar bro py..it's 10.50 brunei dollar and f convert to rm it would be RM26.00..

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joke la RazzLaughing

RM26 sweatsweat

lucky is $uper

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