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Update 31stAug 2009 HW Custom 2001 Honda Civic SI 'Spoon Sport' (Update WIP)

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Just started this custom although received this car last month. Yes, another custom civic s.i and this time is Spoon version as requested by YU5H and arttt_anime. The civic for art will be shown later stage. As i was aware, most of the time i didn't show my work of progress because as i work along with my custom in full attention and concentration, i didn't have some time to take photo. This time, i'll be showing my works in stages.
Here's the original civic S.i . One in mint condition, the other was a bit rundown (mine) but condition is ok.

After removing the casting using electric drill on the base of the car, the casting now
coated with paint remover.

after that, full hard sanding to casting. This is to smoothed the casting line especially on all four corners side. It's tedious job,he!he!.......but need to apply or regret later!

When finish sanding (including soft sanding), i've apply some primer coat.

as for yesterday, another spray coat of yellow applies.

Update as works continue yesterday on 27th Aug.2009.
After overnight, i masked the casting and sprayed it over with white colour as base colour.

Another blue colour spray applies here.

When the blue colour dries, i've removed the masking and proceed to masking the front headlight and rear light by using my 'photoshop' tools or known as sissor, cutter and tweezer. After that. i
used brush to paint the front light and rear light.

well, that's all for today WIP as raining heavily outside now and my works stop here. will post some continues works later.
thanks for looking.

updated as on 31st Aug 2009;
work continues as do some masking for airbrush on front air grilled intake bonnet. Others include rear wing masking also for air brush spray job.

this photo shown are after airbrush job is done

the masking has been removed, now can see in full view.

the rear view

well thats all for today. Still have some details to go. I hope that you guys will understand my work of progress. My custom works are not one or two days work can finish in time as others ppl can completed in time. This is my commitment to my friend YU5H and art_animme as i wanted it to be in good quality finish before i sent back to them.
Thanks for looking.

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wow what a car to custom can't wait to see then end products

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chee keng hong wrote:
COMING SOON! Another Masterpiece from Danielh!! clap

yes ckh! another civic custom.... rolleyes coming soon!

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Raymond wrote:
wow what a car to custom can't wait to see then end products

well, at least you've clear pictures what's going to be...hehe! rolleyes

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sinclair wrote:
Wow, going to be another great custom from danielh! drool

thanks sinclair! yup, another custom coming soon!! rolleyes

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Raymond wrote:
where are goin to find all the stickers on it??? drool

hmmmm........ hmm, maybe not all. Only the main and average will do, hehe..!! sweat

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eight wrote:
can wait to see the outcome... ShockedShockedShocked

thanks eight!!! wait and see...

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jason wrote:
here's a tea for u -----> GambaTEH RazzRazz

ha!ha! thanks for the tea!!

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wow man............ can wait to drive it on this raya... huhuhu

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i hereby confirm the spoon civic will be a masterpiece...hehehe rolleyes

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this one will be limited to how many pulak?
haha brows

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kurz wrote:
this one will be limited to how many pulak?
haha brows

limited to 3 only! huhuhuhu

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addrick wrote:
3 only? nak jugak!
next batch make a 5 Zigen .. mau??

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kurz wrote:
^ kuku
u tak nak buat sendiri ke? brows

takde masa la bang....

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rikmun wrote:
i hope i can have one

well, it's everyone wishes, ha!ha! sweat

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chee keng hong wrote:
Everyone hope ...also!!! hmm

well, it's everyone wishes, hehe!!...... sweat

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RGSUKAN wrote:
i hereby confirm the spoon civic will be a masterpiece...hehehe rolleyes

thanks bro!!!!!!!! not yet comes out from workshop, you also can predict it already!!!! sweat

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jhc7598 wrote:
wow, that marvelous!!! ShockedShocked

thanks bro!!! still have some details to go..... sweat

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YU5H wrote:
kurz wrote:
this one will be limited to how many pulak?
haha brows

limited to 3 only! huhuhuhu

thanks evetyone, just limited to 3 sets only....very sorry guys! sweat

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sinclair wrote:
These things take time...

yes sinclair, currently very busy with this and others custom are queuing up until next month. Had to clear it one by one. Please be patient, custom needs patient to get good quality finish.
Thanks for waiting as i have two hands only to work, hehe.. lol!

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xeifu wrote:
very nice....i'm still waitiiingg Very Happy

thanks bro!! your custom civic have to wait a little longer....patient. sweat

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chee keng hong wrote:
or may be we can consider to ask danielh to custom that for the next "HWCM Club Car"!! Then that would be great!!

wahhh..... so heavy responsibility, i'm afraid cannot do so many club car at one time.......imagine that!!!!! fainted.. sweat

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@ YU5H : thanks for the suggestion! maybe next custom?
@ rikmun : will look into it...
@ kurz : yes, limited to 3 only but still can do other variant, keep update
@ addric : thanks for your interest, there will be other civics variant to come, so just keep update
@ alfagta: thanks for looking...

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