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Py POS for the day 3rd Sept

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Wahhh, don't call me that $uperboy name la.....I phobia spender kat luar. I don wanna show my haul already...... whistling

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noo.. dun stop poisoning us la bro py, huhu~~
btw nice hauls u got there..

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pydrumerboy wrote:
Wahhh, don't call me that $uperboy name la.....I phobia spender kat luar. I don wanna show my haul already...... whistling


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^ lol since when got nick $uperboy? hahah
kuku like spender hitam though... lol!

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@Kurz -The stupid demon la.......very influnential one......started it and now it stuck...haha

@daniel and Jhc - thanks

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...tak muntah ke asyik scored t-hunt je haha tonguetongue

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hehe, muntah itu kalau dah muak dan bosan, tapi ni belum muak lagi nih...hehe

.....no need to open new thread la....

py POS 4th September

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wahh....py score lagi....mintak satu boleh?
ini mana punya haul? giant?

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Itulah, aku dah maleh POS dah..... nanti you orang bosan tengok selalu hijau sweat , Maybe I should just make a september haul or something like that......

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ish, dont be like that laaa...i like your post what...at least aku taulaa apa wave apa wave hit our shore..

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if you dont pos, it will make me sick wooo....hehehe
actually malaysian market is quite exciting alsolaa bro...but will become more exciting and merrier if got some special series to bring in... Very Happy

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nice haul bro!!!!!!!! and keep those pics. coming!!!!!!!!! we are happy to see it... thumbsup

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