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My real green haul today (12.11.09)

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WOWOW, never expected to hit green after so many times moving about, but today was different. Staring right at my face, didn't grab right away, just slowly removed it from the shelf and looked around if anybody was eyeing me, haha. In fact had to jostle for space in the aisle with moms and babies since it was in the same aisle as the Lego. All moms seem to be the grabbing Lego, dunno if cheap or not.

But wonder why the TH Bone Shaker don't have the TH logo on top?

I took the Vega too coz it was the same color as the 37 Ford, seemed to make a nice pair.

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oh......still nice haul sinclair =)

now that's two thunts that i don't have
lol !

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nice haul sinclair...no pics of both wave? hehehe...errrr..i mean other cars in this wave

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Yo Yo, I am back.... wow nice catch there.....haha like your action of looking around to see if anyone was looking at you.....funny....

I think maybe that boneshaker is an error card....awsome score

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RGSUKAN wrote:
nice haul sinclair...no pics of both wave? hehehe...errrr..i mean other cars in this wave

Erm... I don't really know what cars in the wave, because the rack is all campur aduk. I think the yellow 512M and aqua Vega are in the TH Bone Shaker wave. 37 Ford wave I think got silver GTR. The rest I really don't know.

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^ no problem..then we can just wait that wave hit our shore soon..anyway thanks for the info sinclair & py..

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Sinclair.. if gonna rape the Bone Shaker then plz trade with me okay... give you a bad carded 1.... Laughing

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shakz7 wrote:
Sinclair.. if gonna rape the Bone Shaker then plz trade with me okay... give you a bad carded 1.... Laughing

wah!! Shakz7..u have the t-hunt Bons Shaker too?????????????/

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woo nice stuff...error card mayb the Boneshaker?

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shakz7 wrote:
Sinclair.. if gonna rape the Bone Shaker then plz trade with me okay... give you a bad carded 1.... Laughing

Give me my $uper first. Razz

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