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HWCM playaz REVEALED! [Part 2 on pg. 3]

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Tak sangka Justin Bieber sudi turun Hong Kong. Formed a group pulak tu do Canto pop. Yang satu orang lagi tu memang la dancer. Tapi lagi sorang tu tak tau apa dia boleh buat.

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aku tau Cham mmg suka dibelai di khalayak ramai........

matching kapel y'all........ cheerscheers

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Itu semua otai2 rock pujaanku masa Form 1.
Dulu much-much more stylist and advance. Aku dressing cam tu gak...masa tu 45-50kg only now 85 kg Razz

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i cannot deny nor confirm that the individual with that damn fine *** women die for is actually me and that i was never and had no recollection of being at the aforemnetioned location with the aforementioned individual since at that time i was at my office dedicating whole heartedly to my work and assignments. Any fine *** resemblance is purely coincidental and might be a photoshopped picture done by my hot rod lembiks enemy to discredit my hot rod stiffness reputation. albino

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Hahahah cool la. Dahlah kayo cam poyo jer lak tu..banyak duit la katakan.
Bangun dari hibernisasi satu Bear ni kayo la pulak. Razz

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fuiyoooo.....note limaploh wat cam tissue jer..... ShockedShocked
I'm impressed...... bounce

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I realise something ...... carefull .... nanti polis tangkap pasal musnah duit...... baik kita report kasi ADVedder

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cham2020 wrote:
pakcik kayo

pakcik kayo takper jangan la pakcik kayap....!!!!!heheheheh

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cham2020 wrote:
pakcik kayo

Sniffing to verify is it the real RM 50 pr the Fake note..........

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pydrummerboy spotted in Tropicana City Mall..

Hassan and Xeifu glad to meet pydrummerboy..

**pydrummerboy - joking only bro..

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How come he is encase in a display? no wonder he never go hunting much

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ya lor.. not much of a peoples person he is... tonguetonguetongue

* j.k. bro py...

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mushr00m wrote:
pydrummerboy spotted in Tropicana City Mall..

Hassan and Xeifu glad to meet pydrummerboy..

**pydrummerboy - joking only bro..

Nak kena negatif ni

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mushr00m wrote:
pydrummerboy spotted in Tropicana City Mall..

Hassan and Xeifu glad to meet pydrummerboy..

**pydrummerboy - joking only bro..

alamakkkk...PY ke tu?...ketotnya...hahaha, i dont think soo, PY ada ligth sabrelaaa....hehehe

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RGSUKAN wrote:
mushr00m wrote:
pydrummerboy spotted in Tropicana City Mall..

Hassan and Xeifu glad to meet pydrummerboy..

**pydrummerboy - joking only bro..

alamakkkk...PY ke tu?...ketotnya...hahaha, i dont think soo, PY ada ligth sabrelaaa....hehehe

light sabre take out bila nak g hunting jer... Suspect

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aku nk cari la light sabre.. color red blh x? Razz

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