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Which casting do you hope to see one day?

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okay, just for fun, let's talk and fantasize about the cars/trucks/whatevers that you wish mattel will cast one day...

my take...

this could look good in FTE~

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RGSUKAN wrote:

i prefer for this to be in FTE too..

let's make a petition for that to be a Giant Exclusive... LaughingLaughing

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Yao wrote:
RGSUKAN wrote:

i prefer for this to be in FTE too..

let's make a petition for that to be a Giant Exclusive...

or Hj. Remlee Kedai G-Mart exclusive...

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Zonda F
Zonda Cinque
Zonda Tricolore
Zonda R

Koenigsegg Agera

Past & present Lamborghinis


I think that's all lol

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Any Proton would be fine.. hehe..

But then again, I'd rather it be Matchbox than HotWheels, as HW tends to be a tad bit too excessive..

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i think protons suit matchbox better

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cow shaker heh ... more like cow DD lagi sesuai lor... cow give milk - dd carry milk.... u mau kena voodoo spell ka...

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hassan wrote:
cow shaker heh ... more like cow DD lagi sesuai lor... cow give milk - dd carry milk.... u mau kena voodoo spell ka...

hai marah nampak bro...voodoo bagai...its a bull, cannot produce milklehhh....

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RGSUKAN wrote:
hassan wrote:
cow shaker heh ... more like cow DD lagi sesuai lor... cow give milk - dd carry milk.... u mau kena voodoo spell ka...

hai marah nampak bro...voodoo bagai...its a bull, cannot produce milklehhh....

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Yao wrote:

Rempit Ranger

the most difficult ever casting made by Mattel..

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RGSUKAN wrote:
hassan wrote:
cow shaker heh ... more like cow DD lagi sesuai lor... cow give milk - dd carry milk.... u mau kena voodoo spell ka...

hai marah nampak bro...voodoo bagai...its a bull, cannot produce milklehhh....

tu lah, mr hassan is 100% BS supporter, cow shaker ke, lambo shaker ke, buffalo shaker ke..... itu hassan punya trade mark hehe

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hokuan wrote:
I hope for this car:

dude... can't see it...

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Its actually sarcasm, since you guys like Dairy Delivery. So you get a lorry head with a cow. Poetic justice. hahahaha

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Yao wrote:
okay, just for fun, let's talk and fantasize about the cars/trucks/whatevers that you wish mattel will cast one day...

my take...

this could look good in FTE~
Shape looks like the Zender Fact 4

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so please mattel
do this satria neo s2000
it's a hot rally car now ~
it will boost your sales !! bug proton for the license~

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...so that they can release it into some Target-, Kmart, Walmart Exclusives later on...

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nice! proton cars now are now recognaise worldwide ,it will be dream come true for collector if mattel make these.

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sinclair wrote:
Yao wrote:
okay, just for fun, let's talk and fantasize about the cars/trucks/whatevers that you wish mattel will cast one day...

my take...

this could look good in FTE~

Shape looks like the Zender Fact 4

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danielh wrote:
RGSUKAN wrote:
hassan wrote:
cow shaker heh ... more like cow DD lagi sesuai lor... cow give milk - dd carry milk.... u mau kena voodoo spell ka...

hai marah nampak bro...voodoo bagai...its a bull, cannot produce milklehhh....

tu lah, mr hassan is 100% BS supporter, cow shaker ke, lambo shaker ke, buffalo shaker ke..... itu hassan punya trade mark hehe

betul-betul-betul. Not juz 100% supporter. Nanti dia kasi buka kasi kaw-kaw punya custom. Razz

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i think they shud make that satria man...
in honour of the factory at msia haha
imagine it being a TH~

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