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My Recent Heart Jam Haul...updated 23/3 pg2

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Warning,do not open if you have heart disease....open at your own risk.Please consult you doctor before opening it...


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Haha,thanks all.
Now wondering should i uncard those beauty

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nice hauls!! ...
yeah, should ask eric about either uncard or not, Razz

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wallaw..... nice car this is............... awesomeness

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chee keng hong wrote:
memang cantek!!!! Meleleh air liur!!!

mau meleleh jauh2 diri yer... basah itu kereta nanti.........

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nvm...on his keyboard only....leleh as much as u can

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...if i were you, i would tear the packages apart and do some weightlifting with those heavy-looking stuffs! affraid

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Eric:Poisoned ard?
Yao:This car is really heavy indeed....not heavy-looking

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Actually i also dun have place to display my new haul ard...more coming soon but not M2 Machines

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chee keng hong wrote:
fainted!!!!! !! any extra??

i think i saw them at Metro Orchard Road...
at around $25? (i might be wrong~~~)

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Local cannot get cheap price...have to haul from overseas

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u open a thread for kyosho la..and this ferrari curi from me ><

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