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WAHHH..today is hassan's birthdayla....
no wonder he is not online tonight...having FANGULA for birthday present...hahahahha

..semoga panjang umo, murah rezeki...

p/s : tua upenya ko ya...tua 10 tahun dari aku..ohhh abang hassan...

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pydrumerboy wrote:
haha....happy bday to hassan please BONE shaker as much as you like today

..hahahha..good one PY...

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happy besday bro Hassan..
semoga panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki hingga melimpah masuk poket kami semua..

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wow!! Is Hassan Birthday!! Happy Birthday bro!! May all ur wish come true....!
yeah!! Bone Shaker it hard...baby!!

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thanx guys.. tak ley lama this just 15 min break before i go back to my 'activities'...

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happy birthday bro! once boneshaker, always bone shaker!!!!!!!!

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Woah, hassan's birthday today.

Surely, must have received very good present today, hehe.

Happy Birthday, bro! jocolor

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" HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAN!!! LONG LIFE AND BE LONG..(apa aku ckp ni....)
dah lah birthday dapat birthday gift super dari Desmond pulak tu..huhu

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Happy birthday King Banned Hassan...
wish you all the best..

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happy bday bro! may everything goes your way! hopefully not getting ban!

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chee keng hong wrote:
forgot the present for ur birthday..bro....


isk3 cantiknyer hadiah b'day ...happy b'day bro...

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alamak terlambat...happy bday! RazzRazz

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whoa.. thanx guys... for all the subliminal birthday wish but sudah tua so must cut down skit the boning to 6 nights a week ony..

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alamak, terlambat la bro!!
tp xpe, heppi belated birthday bro!!!
hope u can jack more rubber wheels this year!! RazzRazz

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Happy belated birthday to hassan semoga panjang umur and sejahtera.

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happy belated birthday mr. hassan... semoga tak kasar sangat bila dah berumur nie... Razz

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eight wrote:
happy belated birthday mr. hassan... semoga tak kasar sangat bila dah berumur nie...

kasar? hehe..nampak kasar tapi lembut orangnyani...

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lol! thanx guys.. i'll try to be more 'lembut' this year especially to u mr.eight.. awwwww.. u jangan lari plak nanti awww... I love you

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hassan wrote:
thanx guys.. i'll try to be more 'lembut' this year especially to u mr.eight.. awwwww.. u jangan lari plak nanti awww...

lembut camni geli plak mak aiiii..nyah....

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i blum geligeli lagi apsal u da geli plak awwwww.. tu mulut bukak besar2 nak makan apa tu awwww.. tongue

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hassan wrote:
lol! thanx guys.. i'll try to be more 'lembut' this year especially to u mr.eight.. awwwww.. u jangan lari plak nanti awww... I love you

looking for bucket, i want to vomitt........uurrgghhh

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tu da lain mcm lembut dia... goli den...

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eight wrote:
tu da lain mcm lembut dia... goli den...

awww kecik hati i.... selembut lembut i ada juga 'kerasnyer' What a FaceWhat a Face

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hassan wrote:
eight wrote:
tu da lain mcm lembut dia... goli den...

awww kecik hati i.... selembut lembut i ada juga 'kerasnyer' What a FaceWhat a Face

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hassan wrote:
i blum geligeli lagi apsal u da geli plak awwwww.. tu mulut bukak besar2 nak makan apa tu awwww..

ecehcehhh..tak sayang mulut nampak..
..bbzzzzzzzzzzzttttttttt....amek ko hassan..

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many happy returns, dude
slow down abit on those "social agenda", will ya...

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hassan wrote:
eight wrote:
tu da lain mcm lembut dia... goli den...

awww kecik hati i.... selembut lembut i ada juga 'kerasnyer'

yeah!! HRKC!!

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Happy BELATED Birthday Hassan!!! Didn't have internet for a week, hence the late wish. Keep scoring bro!!! Smile

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