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kuih_tiow wrote:

heepp.....tak leh....aku pon ada satu jer....hehehe..... Razz

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CHAH wrote:
kuih_tiow wrote:

heepp.....tak leh....aku pon ada satu jer....hehehe..... Razz

ala..satu je ek..

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kuih_tiow wrote:
carded oso


This one belum ada

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really nice pics there sinnin..thanks for sharing..the bottom truck is the best..i like

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sahama wrote:
Got fire alarm without the ladder


fire alarm warna ini la sy tgh mncari..nice... What a Face

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hassan wrote:

Cun punya thunder roller, Very Happy

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thanx guys..err can anyone spot the not.... hehehe

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sahama wrote:

Amazing trio dugong, watch out for the glass.

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whoa..the red one is nice.. tak penah tengok lg nih........

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verymadverymadverymad ... i still remember the convoy incident and i have learn from it... agak2 saper nyer pasal tuh.... verymadverymadverymad

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well, its not my fault that you can't read... ahhahahaha


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Long time not seeing tthis monster DD, baik punya idea

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