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Almost completed my 69 mustang hunt, so need ur guys otai otai sekalian to poison me something for next hunt... Have in mind 65 fastback vw.. or super snake.. or DD or... pls... poison w ur pic here.. hehee

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please, choose Dairy Delivery or Chevy Panel or Drag Bus or Custom Convoy.. come come, choose some between them.. Twisted Evil

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hehehe.. baek punya racun tuh.. mampus aku nk simpan duit beli inspira..

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cakap omputih la ya ada omputih, my suggestion just pick what ever casting u have in collection that's incomplete.

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jhc7598 wrote:
please, choose Dairy Delivery or Chevy Panel or Drag Bus or Custom Convoy.. come come, choose some between them.. Twisted Evil

Twisted EvilTwisted Evil

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Just follow your wife advised, save your money

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sahama wrote:
Just follow your wife advised, save your money

or better, make ur wife follow ur advice.. RazzRazz

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jhc7598 wrote:
please, choose Dairy Delivery or Chevy Panel or Drag Bus or Custom Convoy.. come come, choose some between them.. Twisted Evil

Dun dun.... collect 32 Ford and 57 Chevy, then I can get some help too. Razz

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Why not try '67 Camaro?
Or '69 Camaro (lesser compared against '67 Camaro)?

Please check on wiki or south texas diecast for the full list.

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Hi Jackdy, After collecting so many years of Hot Wheels I have found that to collect a single casting is like to have 1 aim in life. Like you I have since long move on to collect multiple casting. Suggestion given by member above is a good guide but always remember, this is a hobby. There are other more important things that you may need to settle first.

Think of other things you need to do in life like saving money for a house, a car or even for your future baby. Don't fall into trap like some collectors who had to give up their hobby for personal matters.

Please do select a casting that attracts you and says who you are. Knowing you for this short time I can easily narrow down to Japanese cars. Why not try to collect all the Japanese car models that were made by Mattel all this years. I know it's a tough challenge but I too nearly collect every casting(not variant) of Japanese cars made by Mattel. Good luck in making your decision and cheers.

2 cents from the Lord of Chaos from the little red dot.

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ala....mana yg mampu dapat je la......mana yg tak mampu, nk wat camner, kan......

ps : mampu dari segi availability.......

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Cool one, Enyo.
General message: If got more extra $$$, go ahead if cannot resist poison, else, stop awhile.
Jangan sampai tak makan, tak kerja, tak hiraukan benda-benda yang lebih bermakna, sampai nak gadai harta dan sebagainya, itu kira obsessive, not passion anymore [over-passionate perhaps Razz ]
Member-member already "besar panjang" to weigh between poison and important things in life, paham-paham la.

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jackdy.... go for the convoy custom!! cheers I have confident in u that u will complete those casting b4 end of this year!! Razz

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hahaha.. ckh by end of this year my wife for sure left me...

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why not collect ford focus rs.. i've completed my collection ady... RazzRazzRazz

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jackdy wrote:
hahaha.. ckh by end of this year my wife for sure left me...

kalau gitu, cepat-cepat buat anak, boleh selalu beli susu macam musclemania

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beli susu cum hunting, alasak kukuh, teguh dan munasabah, wakakaka.
tengah pregnancy pun boleh beli susu, susu khas untuk isteri yang tengah mengandung.

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