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As per title above, it happens to be me and santonie having a small discussion last night, so we decided we would like to start a new HWCM GROUP BUILD.. So here's the theme is

1. this group built is open to every member of the HWCM forum young or old, seasoned or rookie.
2. please note that this is not a contest... its just a fun group built... !~

  • Maybe the most important rule...HAVE FUN!!!!

    so guys.... start hunting for ur cars now...!~ any question and comments please tell us here...

    Guys, it will be going on for a month...


    at the closing date, all participant must post their finished work here...!~


    2. JACKDY
    3. ENYO
    4. danoneism
    5. Sinclair
    6. Xebec
    8. Matbear

    happy customizing....

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    spawn is the theme So u guys can choose any casting but the theme is spawn character!

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    i wan do .. but cannot decide what casting to use beside DD n chevy panel .... must crack my brain ......

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    count me in too... Hehe.. A bit hard to relate spawn=hw but good idea will come.. Hehe..

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    Maybe I join too, what is the deadline?

    Also dunno what is spawn, I just know prawn. tongue

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    Now I am spawning and drowing cos tak pandai bab ni. Ayhow selamat maju jaya. Quality one can go for auction next hwcm dinner

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    i like spawn. but im sucks at custom. u guys do the custom. and then give one to me Razz

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    There are few artists contributed to Spawn comics; McFarlane (creator) himself, Greg Capullo, etc.
    Choose the best few pictures for the customizing yo!

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    My custom will be simple, repaint and rubber wheels with hand-drawn 'SPAWN'. Razz

    I leave the complex customs to the experts.

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    sinclair wrote:
    My custom will be simple, repaint and rubber wheels with hand-drawn 'SPAWN'. Razz

    I leave the complex customs to the experts.

    Cilok my idea izit? Razz

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    sinclair wrote:
    Erm.... I use my left hand then. Razz

    like that i'll use my left foot la.. hehehe... joking only..

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    Thanks for the invitation Mr Jackdy and Mr Santonie..

    So here is my humble custom DD - Spawn..hope u guys like it and once again thanks for the tips Sifu's...

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    wooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...... me likeeeeeeeee

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    great work on the spawn theme mr xebec!!!
    another DD version of spawn here. clapthumbsupthumbsup

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    spawn fun project... in progresssssss...

    [img] dsc_0014.jpg[/img][img] dsc_0015.jpg[/img][img] dsc_0016.jpg[/img][img] dsc_0019.jpg[/img]

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    super cunssssssssssssssssssssssssss............... arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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    in progress? OMG...

    how does the final product looks like grand master?

    can't hardly wait...

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    zephyr wrote:
    in progress? OMG...

    how does the final product looks like grand master?

    can't hardly wait...


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    pergh......nih dtg dari planet mana nih, San........? sweatsweat

    chantek bangat sih........... clapclapdrooldrool

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    affraidaffraidaffraid ................. i like spawn..... godgodgodgodgod .............. terbaik san.............

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    very the wonderful... awesome..
    Master customizer at its best...

    psst.. wanna sell later ka? pm me yaaa..

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