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Fake Pet Society?

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You can add people by clicking on the link next to the "handshake" icon under the profile pic.

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I just want to know if they have maintenance daily like Pet Society Laughing
OK, I'm exaggerating but it would be interesting to know if they are using the same platform or maybe a more stable one?

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Javelin Throwing.

Ok, I get the arrows. I get hitting space or whatever to throw the thingy at the line. But what is that middle instruction. I am crap at this because I don't understand what the middle direction is trying to explain. Freaking foreign language. AGHHH! help?

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lithiumkat wrote:
Javelin Throwing.

Ok, I get the arrows. I get hitting space or whatever to throw the thingy at the line. But what is that middle instruction. I am crap at this because I don't understand what the middle direction is trying to explain. Freaking foreign language. AGHHH! help?

it is the spacebar hold it!

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AHHHH thanks. And why am I having trouble with the adding friends, or do you not get coins for visiting friends. *slaps head* Gosh I don't deal well with instructions in foreign language....

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bahahaha! this is so funny! it cracks me up!!! LMAO!!!!

i'm signing up!!



i'm so confused! i registered but have no idea how to navigate around the site.

ink~how did you do it??

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even better than PS, but i don't have the nerves to play..i hate it that i don't get anything lol!

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my friend also told me about this. they said that the clothes are better and cuter. and imo, i think it is better xD
they also told me that china banned facebook there. maybe they had another facebook-like site there. D:

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The site sure looks like facebook especially the navigation at the bottom, but you are right it could just be something really similar lol.

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ok, so i was having a really hard time trying to navigate around this chinese site so my husband told me to copy and paste the address into this site:


then it translated the whole thing for me. it's from google so it's safe.
i hope it's ok that i put the link in. if not, sorry i don't mean to break any rules. please remove it for me if it's not ok and whoever wants it will have to just pm me for it.

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smorkle wrote:
ok, so i was having a really hard time trying to navigate around this chinese site so my husband told me to copy and paste the address into this site:


then it translated the whole thing for me. it's from google so it's safe.
i hope it's ok that i put the link in. if not, sorry i don't mean to break any rules. please remove it for me if it's not ok and whoever wants it will have to just pm me for it.
I'm sure its fine smorkle Smile

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smorkle wrote:
bahahaha! this is so funny! it cracks me up!!! LMAO!!!!

i'm signing up!!



i'm so confused! i registered but have no idea how to navigate around the site.

ink~how did you do it??

I signed up and just found the game link O_o
Note you can't sign up with google translate (doesn't like it for some reason) so you gotta do it on the actual site

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hahaha! finally! after all the frustation with the language, i can play the fake pet congratulations

i think basicaly its like you register to facebook first, then add the application.. (its the red icon with bunny head picture)

hihihi this is funny

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i went into the building with cards sign, i thought its a casino,
turns out to be advertisement,.. if you click, it connects you with another game "texas hold em" huhihihi..

i think it will be nice if theres a casino in PS congratulations

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I love this game. No offence but the clothes are very cute! They even have envening dresses for u! :biggrin: :

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skybluefairy wrote:
Add me here for Happy Baby Game->http://www.snsyx.com/?12154

I added u~! Did u recieve my friend request>? Smile

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I figured most people wouldn't read every post in the thread, so I've quoted Inky's post. Just follow it to register and you can play :]

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harloman wrote:
I figured most people wouldn't read every post in the thread, so I've quoted Inky's post. Just follow it to register and you can play :]

follow what ??? where??? ive been staring at the home page for minutes!! hahahaha HELP! :tuktuk:

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OMG!!! this is so cute, but all the Chinese characters hurts my eyes, its like my brain is forcing itself to understand what it says

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Inkllicious wrote:
smorkle wrote:
bahahaha! this is so funny! it cracks me up!!! LMAO!!!!

i'm signing up!!



i'm so confused! i registered but have no idea how to navigate around the site.

ink~how did you do it??

I signed up and just found the game link O_o
Note you can't sign up with google translate (doesn't like it for some reason) so you gotta do it on the actual site

yeah, i figured that out the hard way! hee hee. thanks ink!! congratulationscongratulations

it's so much fun! i love all the different graphics. i think it's kind of umm....more fun!
ok, i'm going to try to add you guys. if you guys see me, please add me. i'm smorkle there also congratulationscongratulations


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lol i think i have added you smorkle!!!also the game has now garden shop and garden in your home....!!!

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harloman wrote:
I absolutely love how you can get 50 coins per race~
And feel free to add me, even though I don't play much.

i added you =) xoxoruca is a good friend of mine =D

as you level up, the race track changes, i love it! there's water *before* the hurdles!

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yeah!! i can't wait to plant a tree. $2000 coins though -- ouch!!

wonder what the trees will grow?? =D

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Sucks, the racing has gotten harder and with my computer lag issues on flash...damn near impossible. I need more friends!!!! To earn coins. But yes. I was excited about the garden. I'm growning some veggies so hopefully I can make some coins that way...

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I really hate copies!! and when it comes to affect my really favorite game all I can say is: shame on them!

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I am sending your girls f/r. Hopefully they add me!!! I need more friends!! lol

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Borbonsito wrote:
I really hate copies!! and when it comes to affect my really favorite game all I can say is: shame on them!

sorry you feel that way.
it's still really neat and you can play it when our PS is in maintenance.

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this is my chinese smorkle in her fancy scandolous outfit! ha ha!

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harloman wrote:
Isn't that Yoko's outfit? O_o

yes it is!! XD

cute pic smorkle!!

there's a CUTE zoo game on this site too. click the pink bear(?) icon to add the application.

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I dont know how to accept friends tho =s, i wish there was a way to translate this website lol

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lunadaisy wrote:
harloman wrote:
Isn't that Yoko's outfit? O_o

yes it is!! XD

cute pic smorkle!!

there's a CUTE zoo game on this site too. click the pink bear(?) icon to add the application.

who is yoko? i didn't mean to steal any outfits... hee hee. this one looked scandalous for a pet so i chose it. ha ha!!

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