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I know I'm asking for trouble here .......

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But is anyone prepared to admit that they don't drink? I'll put me name at the top of the list. Doesn't mean I haven't drunk in the past and I have done the night where you can't remember anything that happened. Fortunately I was with friends so it was all fine ShockedShocked

I'll start the list, I don't drink. Last alcoholic beverage was some years ago. I'll guess and say about 10 years (I honestly can't remember). And before anyone thinks I'm joking, I have witnesses that can prove it thumbs !! I know for most it will be 10 minutes since the last drink foflfofl

Sorry, I keep digressing. Who's next?

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Well, I pretty much don't drink. I have an occasional Guinness when I'm working away as I am right now (and the company's paying Laughing ) but I'm not a social drinker. Truth is I couldn't afford to anyway, unless I was prepared to give up something like my bikes or my flat abroad. Don't miss it mind Smile

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Why would anyone not be prepared to admit they don't drink? scratch

I do partake in the odd beverage, but not a great deal - partly because of cost, and partly because having had 2 full blown alki's in the family kind of puts you off the whole need 6-pints-in-the-pub-every-night-before-starting-on-the-Super T thing.

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Mike i remember the first time i met ya...what ya drinking bigman i asked...you replied orange juice....i said you sure...your reply i dont drink, me personally never thought anymore of it, and tbh theres not many especially men that would admit they dont at all thumbs Drink split me parents up many years ago, me mum and dad a very successful in there own fields of which me mum still is and as property all over the world...me dad on the other hand turned to drink and at one point was spending upto £500 a week on spirits alone..... Mike your a good man and a good father to ya kids nowt wrong with not drinking just wished my dad never started thumbs

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must admit i was surprised when i found you didnt drink Shocked But if anything I admire you for it Mike (it deffo dont stop you from enjoying yourself) some times wish I had never got in to the habit of drinking ,been doing it since i started work when I was 16 ,sort of was part of the building game pint

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Some good points there and I think they show that there is a lot of social pressure for lads to drink, it's seen as "the done thing". I have nothing against people drinking, it's just the trouble that seems to follow certain people when they're p censored d and that drags others (lads and girlfriends/wives) into it, as has been noted on here once or twice.

When I first joined the local bike club we were discussing going to one of the other club bashes and were organising transport etc. At which time I said I'll drive the minibus as I don't drink. Whole place went quiet as everybody looked in amazement. It's where my name of "TT" came from. Not for the Isle of Man fofl

The eldest lad had his drink spiked in Newcastle, while out with his girlfriend, and was wandering round Newcastle looking for a fight. She manahed to get him to hospital where he had a few hours in but was fine and managed to sleep it off. A few stops along the A1 on the way back from the hospital for him to clear the stomach and he seemed okay. Never been back up there so he looks to have learnt thumbs Only goes out locally with a few lads he knows etc thumbs

Sorry, getting a bit deep, meaningful and serious there. Best move on. I think I can manage a bottle of Schloer in May. Will that do thumbsfofl

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Last drink was the start of July 2007.

I had a little problem with it and needed to stop.
Im crap at doing stuff in moderation.
I find it very easy to ignore stuff or to
do it "full bore". Drink was full bore.

A week became a month, then a few months,
then I wanted to prove I could do a year.
In 8 weeks time it'll be 5 years.

I had some great times and wouldnt change
the past, also had some real nightmares.
I like drink, and dont mind others drinking,
Its just that for me, its better if I dont.


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On a more positive note,
I used to spend between $50 and $60 a week on drink
for the house, 24-pack of Beer and a bottle of
Rum and a bottle of Vodka every Friday after work,
(not counting any nights we went out to the pub/BBQ's etc)

The first year I stopped drinking I bought a
1980 GSX1100 ET with my "beer money"
The 2nd year I bought a 1999 1200 Bandit with my "beer money"
I recently bought a GSX1400 purely with what
would have been spent on drink.

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Got me thinking.... Laughing

# Had to have a little sleep half way around
a Golf Course in Spain.

# Got locked out on a 7th floor hotel balconey
and chucked my ex over onto the next doors
balconey as their door was open and she could
then get down to reception through their room.

# Waking up on a Golf Course in Newquay Cornwall
(I'd started drinking in Kidderminster)

# Standing in lifts for quite a while before
someone came along told me to push the button.

# Trying to get into half the front doors in
the street at 4am as they all seemed to be mine.

I can laugh now, but the list go's on and on,
most id rather keep quiet about.


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got to admit, i only have a bottle of cider every now and again. most people my age are out on the piss-up every few days, wheres the fun in drinking so much you feel bad in the morning, you cant remember what you done the night before, or who the half naked people are in the pictures some random person has posted and tagged on Facebook!

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Not very often I drink or the mrs to be honest odd night in here and there

Dont visit the local pubs anymore full of censored heads

rather spend on me lad/bike

Drink when we go on holiday

my father never touched the stuff he had a problem with it when he was younger,but my grandad sorted that out

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i have these allergies so cant have dairy, caffeine, few others and alcohol! i end up feeling ill, dizzy, and if it goes bad as ive broken the diet i end up all of them with breathing feeling heavey and things like feet feel numb, but that is rare.

so naturally i dont drink, it started of maybe once a month, but now i havent had a drink since last summer if i remember right as dont think i had a drink at christmas, doesnt bother me anymore, i can have just as much fun watching the tits get drunk, and earn few pennies doing lifts thumbs

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I understand your frankness sometimes chad, but not all people who get drunk and have a good time are tits.

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@haveugot1 wrote:
I understand your frankness sometimes chad, but not all people who get drunk and have a good time are tits.

my lot are, Wink

funny watching them all over, and stuff they come out with! youth of today Laughing

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@haveugot1 wrote:
I understand your frankness sometimes chad, but not all people who get drunk and have a good time are tits.

my lot are, Wink

funny watching them all over, and stuff they come out with! youth of today Laughing

That's a cracker. Youth of today. Chad according to your avatar info you're only 19 yerself!! Very Happy

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i have these allergies so cant have dairy, caffeine, few others and alcohol! i end up feeling ill, dizzy, and if it goes bad as ive broken the diet i end up all of them with breathing feeling heavey and things like feet feel numb, but that is rare.

so naturally i dont drink, it started of maybe once a month, but now i havent had a drink since last summer if i remember right as dont think i had a drink at christmas, doesnt bother me anymore, i can have just as much fun watching the tits get drunk, and earn few pennies doing lifts thumbs

Don't worry mate you'll soon get over all those ailments once puberty sets in, it'll be at least another year or too but you'll soon be there thumbsLaughing

I like a drink and I like getting "merry" but I can also go weeks without having one at all. It's a case of take it or leave it really.
Total respect to you Mike thumbsthumbs have a drink on me pintWink

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Respect Mike.I dont drink 3 days a week Embarassed

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I used to drink a lot till the kids came along, tend to go a fair time between drinks nowadays but still like a drink, just can't take a good session anymore.

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@Stue11 wrote:
Mike i remember the first time i met ya...what ya drinking bigman i asked...you replied orange juice....i said you sure...your reply i dont drink, me personally never thought anymore of it, and tbh theres not many especially men that would admit they dont at all thumbs Drink split me parents up many years ago, me mum and dad a very successful in there own fields of which me mum still is and as property all over the world...me dad on the other hand turned to drink and at one point was spending upto £500 a week on spirits alone..... Mike your a good man and a good father to ya kids nowt wrong with not drinking just wished my dad never started thumbs

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nothing better than getting drunk ,having a curry, throwing up , falling over ,having a fight. pint Here's to alcohol: the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems. pint

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Might have a bottle of red once every couple of months and spread it over a week. Too fond of my bike licence. Sooner spend the money on biking as others have said.

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ive just started again after 20 odd years Shocked

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@jezza wrote:
nothing better than getting drunk ,having a curry, throwing up , falling over ,having a fight. pint Here's to alcohol: the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems. pint

four of them happend to me last time I went for a drink with you

got drunk,had a meal,threw up,fell over foflfofl

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yes im 19 Wink

i mean my lot are the youth of today, most of them are good but i know so many people my age who get drunk to get parqaletic, and cause trouble!

when it comes to the meets you lot are old so 2 beers and your asleep so its all easy Laughingthumbs

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when it comes to the meets you lot are old so 2 beers and your asleep so its all easy Laughingthumbs

Less of the old you!!

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@fr499y wrote:

when it comes to the meets you lot are old so 2 beers and your asleep so its all easy Laughingthumbs

Less of the old you!!

Chad mate, nowadays I fall asleep BEFORE the beers,zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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i think i may have to get chad drinking some scrumpy.eh Dave.

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@jezza wrote:
i think i may have to get chad drinking some scrumpy.eh Dave.

Oh dear slaphead

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@Robbie wrote:
@jezza wrote:
i think i may have to get chad drinking some scrumpy.eh Dave.

Oh dear slaphead

That will be messy LaughingLaughing

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@lee wrote:
@Robbie wrote:
@jezza wrote:
i think i may have to get chad drinking some scrumpy.eh Dave.

Oh dear slaphead

That will be messy LaughingLaughing

But darn funny Very Happythumbs

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@jezza wrote:
i think i may have to get chad drinking some scrumpy.eh Dave.

yep, ... then the real fun begins Chad.. affraid

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@jezza wrote:
i think i may have to get chad drinking some scrumpy.eh Dave.
Home made offcourse Laughing 2 pints he would die LaughingLaughing

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ITCHY wrote:
I used to drink a lot till the kids came along, tend to go a fair time between drinks nowadays but still like a drink, just can't take a good session anymore.

agree with you love a drink but not as much coz the kids can't wait till the southern meet woohoo thumbs

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I love a beer ...look at my avatar kind of goes with the territory dunit

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@Davehutch wrote:
@Robbie wrote:
@jezza wrote:
i think i may have to get chad drinking some scrumpy.eh Dave.

Oh dear slaphead
I dont find it a problem hide

The only problem you have Dave is stopping Laughing

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what with all the changes at work and a few other things went out for a bike ride the other evening and ended up in a pub that I used to go in as a student (a few hundred years ago) - whole place had been revamped but some of the atmosphere was still there oddly enough.

suppose it's a bit sad going off for a ride/drink like that but it did me the world of good and the pub was reasonably welcoming

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i dont drink Smile

and they do local grown then brewed apple cider where were staying, was 9% last time Wink

and im dreading it now, Laughing

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