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Divorce on its way

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My wife of over 20 years , has just sent me divorce papers , why im not sure , we have not got on for some time but i have tired to put it right , what will happen with the kids house etc i just dont no . im very low right now but will do my best to stay on line and keep my chin up . Garry

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sorry to hear that mate, try to keep positive, not easy I know sorry

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Have no advice for you Garry other than when you feel low people on here will genuinely want to listen and help if they can. So sorry mate.
deepest regards,

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sorry to hear that mate, were all here for a chat if you need it. and talk to your solicitor for advice, best bet mate.

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Sorrynto hear this mate i no its easy for us all to say it but try and stay possotive

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That's a bit of a blow mate thumb down
Hope you manage a reconciliation (if that's what you want) but try and be as positive as possible, because not dealing with it won't stop it from happening.
As it happens my 21 - year marriage finally came to an official end in April, and despite it being a bit up in the air for a few years previous, it's still better (from my point of view) now it's all done and dusted than while it was dragging on.
If the worst does come to the worst, get some decent legal advice and just try to seperate the emotional side of it from the financial arrangements side otherwise it can be fairly easy to get shafted, while trying to 'be a good guy'.
Keep your chin up fella, we're here if you want to natter/vent/discuss HRT etc Smile
Good luck dude!

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Gary like i said the other week when we met up...focus on ya kids mate i know its hard but it will come good in the end...let her do whats shes got to do and you stay focused on ya kids, and dont forget youve got me number and you know were to find me, your always welcome at my home whenever you fancy a weekend away...so dont worry about getting in touch, take care mate cya soon thumbsthumbs

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Sorry to hear that.
I've been there a couple of times,
not so bad for me I know, no kids.

If the worst case happens,
wait for the dust to settle, and plan your new life.
I've been in tears and thought my world was ending,
but long term its new doors opening to something better.

Either way, Best of luck with it Mate.

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So sorry to hear the news Gary. Been widowed ('99) and divorced last year and as has been said separate the emotional from the financial. I did get shafted trying to play the good guy. As Stue says your children are the important aspect as it will be hard for them as well. I do hope all works out and yes as one door closes another does open. Theres a lot of support and advice on this forum thats why its so great. Chin up m8 thumbs

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I've no experiance in this situation m8 but whatever happens stay focused on your kids, but remember you will need a break to so eat well and look after yourself. As stue said a weekend away will do you the world of good.

Good luck.

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sad to hear that garry,were all here if you want/feel like talking and i hope things work out for you mate.

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Thanks for all your support , , this is a great place to be , and im sure when its all worked out a weekend away will be great , just hope i dont need to sell the bikes ,

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As said garry focus on the kids mate,Im sure they will adapt to this easier than you

Thats what I found although divorce wasnt part of me and my lads mothers separation

as said get some good legal advice dont get shafted like I did,I only finished paying a debt off 2 years ago got shafted big time

left with only the clothes on me back,no house know where to live Sad

just make sure you look after yourself chin up from me mate

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Sorry to hear that mate. Can't say much apart from echoing what has already been said on this thread. Keep an eye on the kids, and yourself. Don't sacrifice yourself on the altar of "doing the right thing". You need to look after yourself as well and the kids and everyone else.

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well update on this my boy will stay with me he is 15 , my 2 daughters one is 11, and the other 17 , will live with me and they mum . 50 /50 but i will let them make they own minds up . as i think at the end of the day .i will see them back full time . the soon to be x wife has as yet not found a new place to live , i will keep the house and a one of payment of £45,000to the bitch . i have had a shed load of paper work to fill out , but got most of it,s done . now . thanks to you all, and a good few mates and my family , i have got to see some light at the end , salutesalute hope to find a new woman soon and she must be in to bikes , mbikembike thanks again Garry ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, thankyouthankyou

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sorry to hear it mate and glad you are on the way to getting summut sorted, you just never know whats around the corner.

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As they say 'one door closes on your life, another one opens' Been there and its about right.

As I said about my ex 'Halloween, the only time of year she doesnt need to dress up or wear a mask to fit in'

Just take your time before getting involved again or to put it another way 'dont let yer d**k rule yer head' fofl

Best of luck to you. thumbs

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sorry it did'nt work out for you,best thing to do is look at it as a new start to your life, all the best.

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All the best Garry. Take it easy and fill your boots with plenty of dirty little minx's. thumbs

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Hope your ok garry it aint a nice thing to go through

you know where we all are for a chat thumbs

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Glad to see you've a resolution thumbs Sounds like you've got the right idea with the kids, allows them to make their own decision without you pressurising them. Take it easy mate and hopefully catch up soon thumbs

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Glad your slowly getting things sorted Garry... thumbs

As I said before its a sh#t of a thing to go through,
I split up with the woman I moved out here with,
no family or friends for 12,000 miles !

My only bit of advice (and it may not be suitable to you?)
Dont be set in stone about finding a bike loving woman.

I did that 4 times! I thought we HAD to have
that mutual interest, it never worked.

Now for the 1st time I haver a great partner,
we do lots together, share common ground,
think the world of each other, just not bikes.

She supports me and encourages me in everything I do,
but we accept bikes are my thing not her's,
She has a serious career focus and is a musician.

Year's a go I wouldnt have considered a partner
with no bike interest, but it really is working well.

Best wishes which ever way life takes you... thumbs

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TheBiker46 wrote:
As I said about my ex 'Halloween, the only time of year she doesnt need to dress up or wear a mask to fit in'

My very first face to face date with Bron
was on October the 31st.

I have to be very careful how far I push that joke... Laughing

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glad you are feeling a little positive and yes there is a light at the end of the tunnel - sometimes its a long tunnel but it is there.

Also - just a word of warning, dont to too eager to find another women too quick - I met Dave when I was going through my divorce - look what happened there affraidaffraid

hide Only joking Dave I wouldnt change a thing loeveloeve

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@melly wrote:
glad you are feeling a little positive and yes there is a light at the end of the tunnel - sometimes its a long tunnel but it is there.

Also - just a word of warning, dont to too eager to find another women too quick - I met Dave when I was going through my divorce - look what happened there affraidaffraid

hide Only joking Dave I wouldnt change a thing loeveloeve

Dont worry mell were all here for you to LaughingLaughing

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Got the date in the post today , should all be done by 29 nov , so i will be a free man then , the last few weeks have been hell but not long to go , happy or sad im not sure but life will go on , roll on 2013 and nice long summer days , woman beer and bikes ,

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Ya kids are more important than any women, blood thicker than water thumbsthumbs youve done naff all wrong exept be yourself...women can come and go... thumbsthumbs

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Thanks for all your kind words , thumbsthumbs and as for the pintpint very soon i hope

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At least your looking forward to the future and not dwelling on the past that is a start m8.and any time u r up north we have a spare room. But looking forward to riding with you on the 2013 ride out. thumbs

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Glad it's all nearing a resolution mate. As you say, next years a new chapter. Look forward to catching up soon thumbsthumbs

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