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I have GOT to share this with you all. I have witnessed this first miracle I saw last night before when I was a child and I never saw it again UNTIL last night. The first time it was arms. Last night it was legs.

Last night I went to my mother's church. They are having a revival. The preacher asked if there was anybody present who needed healing in their bodies. My aunt went up (she was visiting as well - she's a member of another church) for him to pray for her back. As he prayed for her back, he asked her to sit on the front row. After she sat down, he asked two of the members to stand on each side of her and stretch/hold her legs out in front of her. He asked one of the Evangelists in the church to stand in front to see if she could see a difference in her legs. She said it looked like her left leg was shorter than her right leg. He asked my aunt if she knew that and she said it had been like that all of her life. He told her that God said she was out of line and He was going to get her back in line. Yall, He began to pray for her and her legs began to meet up (literally) with each other. She said it felt like the gear shift in a car. It's funny because she said her right leg moved up first and she was like, "That leg is longer than the other." (Yall know that was only the enemy trying to set up doubt in her mind). Then she said the left leg moved up!!!!!!!!!! , Jesus!!!!!!!!

There was a lady come up and said she had been having itching and burning behind her left eye. She was going to dentists, neurologists and everything. She said she was told she had MS and something else (I can't remember). She said it had gotten so bad that she couldn't even see the big "E" during the eye exams...all she could see was blurry. She said she couldn't see anything. She also said it had gotten so bad that NO ONE would even give her an eye exam anymore. He laid his hands on the right eye (nothing wrong with this eye), began to pray and held up his hand in front of the left eye. As he prayed, he was holding up 1 finger, then another, then another. As he did this (praying and holding up fingers), she began to count the fingers he was holding up. He made a "Z" with his finger and she even said that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! , Jesus!

I'm telling yall God is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jehovah Rapha (The God that healeth thee) showed up and showed out last night!!!!!!! DO YALL HEAR ME??????!!!!!!!!!!! Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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PRAISE YE THE LORD!!! How exciting is THAT?? Thank you Jesus! I saw the same exact healing that your aunt had with my own eyes YEARS AGO!!! God is soooo good!!

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That is awesome! I was just telling mybest friend that I want to see the miracles that happen over in Third World countries happen here! I believe they can happen! Jehovah Rapha God is real! Some years ago when I was in college, I was learning about healing, and I went home on a weekend, and my mom told me they found a lump in her breast. I decided that I would see what God would do. I thought, hmm...I'mma try this layin hands on folks thing. Well, I got my bible out, read healing scriptures, me and my mom got in faith...and I prayed over her breast. She went to sleep and when she woke up she said that she had a dream, and she knows it was Jesus. She saw a finger, and it touched that part of her breast, and when it did, a big bright light shone in that spot. When she woke up, she said, its gone! She went to the doc the next week, and how about the lump was gone ya'll! My ma was healed! Praise God. So i know he is real!!!

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Do it God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm telling yall...God is REAL!! Yipppppppeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!

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Lovelywomanofvirtue...WOW!!!! God can do ANYTHING!!!!

The miracles happen "according to our faith". The miracles that happen in the third world countries happen because they don't have the word like we have here. We have become desensitized to the move of God. Over there, they have radical faith because they no nothing else. I've been praying for that over here, it's going to take people like us to allow the Lord to use us as examples...vehicles for his glory!!

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The miracles happen "according to our faith". The miracles that happen in the third world countries happen because they don't have the word like we have here. We have become desensitized to the move of God. Over there, they have radical faith because they no nothing else. I've been praying for that over here, it's going to take people like us to allow the Lord to use us as examples...vehicles for his glory!!

You better say that, guuuuuuuuuurl! The man of God said this same thing (not exact words) last night at the revival!!!!

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I, too, have witnessed the same miracle that your aunt received. It truly is amazing. It's simply faith.

Praise God! And the fact that you are testifying about it brings honor and glory to God's Kingdom. And that's what it's all about-- God and who He is, not what He's done or what He can do, but it's all about God.

To God be the glory =)

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WOW!!!!!!!!!! It seems like God even made her taller right?! Didn't he lengthen the longer leg first?! She should measure herself, she's probably two inches taller! Praise God! I love miracles!

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Wow, praise God! I've not witnessed healings like this firsthand but it is my prayer see God's miracles manifest directly...awesome!!!!

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Reading the first post here under this topic reminds me of the similar healing miracles I've experienced myself. I went to a healing seminar once; a man there prayed for my legs to align, and my left one supposedly lengthened although I didn't see or feel anything as this occurred. Right after standing-up, though, I felt like I could stand more evenly and my clothes seemed to be laying better on me. This person who prayed for me lives in an area I frequent; he works on computers and provides my Internet service. I visited him one day right after receiving new glasses so he could enable my monitor to allow my speakers to operate. I asked him to pray for me while I was there since he did before with success, and he prayed for me in tongues. My vision in my right eye was blurry while wearing my new glasses that day, and I'd squint that eye--I felt messed-up. As this man prayed for me, I felt this cool air sensation over that eye and immediately could see clearly out of it. I also had this strange type of pain from these supposedly permanent injuries, which I still have after some years, that felt like the point of a knife was in me after standing for about half an hour. I once felt something shift in that area while in church after an interpretation, and I never had that particular pain since. Unfortunately, I still have other relative pain with the nerve and tissue damage as well as many other things: temporomandibular joint disorder; tooth sensitivity from decay; myopia; accidental earlobe-piercing stretching from wearing too-heavy earrings; extrinsic asthma; many food and nasal allergies that have resulted in swallowing difficulty and me losing my uvula to allergic infection; back and leg soreness; hirsutism; and poly-cystic ovarian syndrome. Yeah... Oh, I was also told that I'm at high risk for getting type II diabetes someday, and I'm almost twenty years old now--I feel like I'm about twice my current age.

Now I personally feel that people receive healing from Jesus exactly according to their faith, including how long it takes for it to manifest and if it ever does. I don't intend to offend anyone with what I'm writing, and I read the forum rules, so I won't divulge names. I used to communicate with these 'christians' who really hurt me, and they'd follow certain people who are/were supposedly popular in ministering healing. Some of these famous 'christians' teach the necessity of doing things in order to be able to receive from God (I probably shouldn't mention them here because I'm worried about causing offense). One such person and his followers who I used to follow myself kept telling me and everyone that people generally must wait some time before healing manifests because of such things as "God is honored through patience and may also be testing your faith." (I hope it's alright that I just wrote this.) Yet, this could indeed be why many people don't get healed, and I'd think this would lead to discouragement after a while. In my search to learn the truth, I've unfortunately let myself be too exposed to many of the doubts people have concerning divine healing in the Western Church, and I still fear the possibility of these doubts being true. This is an important reason why I wish I could hear from the Holy Spirit, because it's easy to get confused out there. Besides, I don't remember Jesus practicing this when it came to healing people, except maybe in:

1.) Mark 8:22-25; At Bethsaida, Jesus had to lay His hands on a blind man's eyes twice before he was fully healed.
2.) Luke 17:12-15; Jesus tells ten lepers to show themselves to the priests, and they were cleansed on their way.
3.) John 9:7; A man born blind is healed after Jesus tells him to go wash in the Pool of Siloam.

However, it doesn't seem like anyone was healed by Jesus in His day over longer than twenty-four hours. I know there were other healings in scripture, and even some in the Old Testament, but I don't think any of them took longer than one day, if even that long. If I'm wrong about this, please correct me.

I know of many doubts when it comes to supernatural healing from Jesus, and I'm afraid of any or all of them being true. I believe this along with a low self-value, negative past experiences with many people, unresolved guilt, and misconceptions of God are causing me to stay unhealed. I'd suggest that if you have a strong faith in Jesus as your Healer, guard it! If you don't, guard your heart against anything negative occupying it (if that's possible somehow--I'm not sure how when negative things seem to be a natural part of your life)! I'd assume that God is entirely positive, anyway, so maybe that's a good enough reason to ignore all of the too-common unbelief that's being taught nowadays. Yet, if your new to learning about Jesus being your Healer, how are you supposed to really know what out there is right and what's not?

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Well....I have to say that I was completely surprised by your age +=+;-=-;+>- NOT because of the physical problems that you have, but because you're so well spoken and wise beyond your years.

I know a little bit about healing and have been to one seminar. I have a seer gifting where I physically feel other people's pain in my body....which truly can suck if my prayer life isn't on point (because we're not supposed to hold onto that pain, it should be only a touch and go sort of thing...Jesus already took it when He died on the cross, and He stands in the gap for others, not us). I've felt people being healed, but mostly I feel their pain solely for the purpose of helping them to lay it down at the foot of the cross.

A little story here: I'm a certified massage therapist and while I was in school, I was consistently sick, but there were people who said that they didn't have pain in an area anymore after I massaged it. This was when I wasn't a Christian....but Jesus still used me to help a few people. You can imagine, being that I have very sensitive empathy.....anything a person had, I caught it (and I'm not talking about a cold). If someone came in with a hurt foot, my foot started hurting. I didn't understand this gift of empathy, so I just thought I was either seriously screwed up, or a hypochondriac.

I once even felt the pain of a car accident for an estranged friend....my arms went numb and I had a stabbing, excruciating pain in my neck occur while I was at a full stop at a traffic light. I thought I was becoming paralyzed. I did absolutely nothing to cause that pain. Two months later I ran into this friend, and come to find out, he totaled his brand new, week old car, on his birthday (the same day and hour that the pain hit me ...like a freight train), in the same intersection that I had totaled my truck four years prior (on my best friend's birthday as well). He walked away without a scratch or whiplash.

I'm thinking you may have this same gifting. The only thing I would suggest you do first thing (whether this is your gifting or not) is to get into the Word immediately. Don't worry about famous or non-famous "healers" anymore, or "healing" theology....just start praying, reading the Bible, and get involved with a good Bible-based church (that isn't closed off to the gifts). God's going to start giving you discernment of who is a BS-er and who isn't. If you improve your relationship with Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit is going to get involved more.....simply because your participation and authorization is needed in order to have this happen. Jesus can't force you to do anything because of your free will. Don't worry about tomorrow, just start thanking Jesus for the magnificent person He already is today....then watch what happens, you will be blown away without a doubt.

Also, I've found that if I have a problem - let's say that my back is hurting - I ask Jesus to reveal to me someone else who is having a back problem as well, so that I can pray for them. When I've prayed for others, I've had some pretty cool supernatural things happen to me in return.

God's ways are not our ways, which is why healing comes through different methods (not sources). Jesus isn't a method....He's the one that does it (He's the source), because He paid the price for you to be well, and He's not going to let go of you until you're 100% whole. We - the redeemed - are the method. We are the vessels that Holy Spirit works through IF we allow Him to. The only way to become an open vessel for Holy Spirit on a consistent basis, is to have a close relationship with Him ON A CONSISTENT BASIS. It's a simple answer, which we all fail at times, and the answer is: Spending more time with Holy Spirit...inviting Him into your mundane tasks even. He wants to be involved in EVERY LITTLE THING you do...from picking out your clothes in the morning, to which route to take to work. He wants you checking in with Him as frequently as possible, and He will give you urgings/nudgings to remind you to do that (our God is great isn't He!).

Well, I hope that helped you some. The more you get into the Word, the less confusing it all is, because God speaks directly to your heart no matter what you read in the Bible. Flip it open every day, pray/pray/pray, and ask Holy Spirit questions about what you should do or say about this or that all throughout your day. Also, get into a good church (if you're not in one already). He'll rock your world if you do those things, but don't take my word for it.....

God bless you. Thank you so much for posting. You're precious on this site.

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Well, I think I'm able to “read” people more than ever by listening to them speak and observing their facial expressions. For example, I can tell from listening to people (esp. on television) whether or not they are skeptical by their tone. Yet, this may not be a gift; I think a lot of people can do this through experience.

I've been told that I'm a very sensitive person, and many things scare and offend me anymore. I probably shouldn't, but I do watch a lot of television ever since my mother died from pancreatic cancer on February 12, 2009. (She was fifty-seven years old.) My family just got basic cable around the time television signals were being switched from analog to digital, so it was easier for us to just upgrade somewhat to cable. My father was working at the time, and I was home alone without a job. (I'm planning on starting work somewhere soon.) I also don't have any siblings, so I was lonely during the day and ended-up sleeping during the daytime and being up at night. When I was up, I'd keep the tube on constantly and channel surf among ten-ish stations. I actually hate much of the stuff on television, and the really morbid content scares me even though it is reality (to an extent when it comes to not believing in God). Yet, I still can't keep the thing off.

Furthermore, I've sensed bad things before knowing what they were, like my dad getting hit from two cars from behind. I didn't know what was happening, but that morning I just felt like I didn't want him to leave for work. I was awake earlier than usual that day as my father was getting ready. I felt uneasy, but I had no idea why. He's still hurting in his shoulders today ever since this accident happened in 2007, and he now can't work because of tearing and nerve damage. I don't feel pain in my shoulders like my dad does, but he does have stiffness in his upper back and arms, and I'll get stiffness and soreness from my jaw joints, to my neck, then down throughout my back and sometimes my legs. My doctor told me my jaw joints are arthritic (I do have TMJ), but I feel wonder if I'm starting to get arthritis in the rest of my body; I'll even get sore in my finger and toe joints. (I can crack my toes often and have for most of my life, but I rarely crack my fingers.) Both my parents had/have arthritis, but I'm not sure exactly how bad it is/was.

In another recent post here, I explained how I've heard voices that predicted future losses/infirmities:

Another odd thing I forgot to mention concerning my mom dying was that I felt this great heaviness and yet seemed to be drifting as I walked through the house this one day—I was alone at home this day as my mother was in the hospital with cancer and my father was at work. In my mind, I get this message like it was a “death” spirit. Could there be any truth about this, or was it just the trauma I was going through then that was taking its toll on me?

I'm not sure if I'm affected by other's pain in unusual ways, Christa, but I believe there's something spiritual going on behind the scenes.

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Well, sweetie, I'm going to pray for you. I do believe there is a spirit of death. There are lots of demonic spirits that come around in different forms. I once had a spirit of fear and a spirit of abuse oppressing me .... a prophet lady cast it out of me, and as those spirits were departing, they grabbed me and squeezed me (like a painful bear hug). I could feel them try to squeeze the air out of my lungs, it was hard to breathe. Seconds later, I felt them being pulled away and off of me, but it didn't stop them from scratching my insides with their nails as they tried to remain. It was painful I have to say, but when they were gone, THEY WERE GONE, and no pain remained.

There's also a spirit called "heaviness." In the Bible it says, "put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, lift up your voice to God." Basically, when you feel the spirit of heaviness (depression comes to mind), it's time to start singing the worship songs you know until it breaks it's grasp on you. The devil doesn't hang around worshipers when they're worshiping. In fact, for every little ache and pain you feel, you can put it to the test as to whether it's a spirit trying to latch onto you ... by singing worship songs. It's like nails on a chalkboard to the demonic realm....also, by saying the name of Jesus and pleading the blood of Jesus over you when thoughts or pains bombard you.....the demons have to go. Try it, it works...because there's power in the name of Jesus.

I just want to pray for you right now, so that you don't wonder whether I did or not ok: Father God, in the name of Jesus, I break, bind, curse, and loose the clutches of anything evil or negative on my friend here. I break the power of the devil, and any curse that is responsible for harming this sweet soul by the power of the name of Jesus. Holy Spirit, I ask you to come and minister to my friend's heart and break the cords and bands that are preventing complete and total healing of my friend's mind and body. Jesus, please put your arms around this sweet person so that your love is known, and felt in such a physical sense....in such a real way. Pour out your love and favor on this wonderful soul, and heal and mend until 100% wholeness is reached. You're beautiful Jesus, thank you for drawing us all to you when we need someone to love us, and someone to cling to. Thank you for being the lover of our souls. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

God bless you sweetie. Peace and health be with you.

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