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Everything posted by lea75

  1. Taylor swift - Love story Each and everyday here at PSFC one of the Mods or Admins will select a music video of the day that will feature on the forums, it could be a new release, a great video, a weird video, something controversal, reunion of a band, or just the long awaited return, whatever it is we aim to bring something new and fresh everyday, so...Take a listen, and vote in the poll above and tell us what you think of the track also!
  2. I have 2 huge bookcases as well and always by the new books by my (many) favourite authors for my collection, but I love the library as its a fantastic way of trying new authors without the worry of the cost
  3. I am reading: Linda Fairstein - Letahl legacy It is a fiction, thriller/crime book This is the 11th book of the series about Assistant district attorney Alex Cooper and Detectives Mike Chapman and Mercer Wallace and is amazing! I would strongly recommend this to anyone! It is best to read them in the right order though as they do tend to mention things from previous books
  4. I am a self confessed bookworm..I love reading...always have done ever since I was little... Thank goodness for public lending libraries, I could never afford to buy the amount of books I get through lol
  5. I'm glad you are happy hun...we are always open to any suggestions or ideas you have...PSFC is run for all of you xx
  6. PSFC Book Club! Are you a sell confessed bookworm? Do you love nothing more than snuggling up with a good book? Then we have the club for you!! Following many comments from members we have set up a book club for all us bookworms Here we can discuss which book we are reading, any books or authors we would recommend as well as book reviews and so much more! So if you are into horror, thrillers, romance or something totally different come and tell us all about it... CLICK HERE to come have a look , and add your comments and reviews
  7. lea75

    Thank You Thread!!

    you are really welcome hun... Psfc is only here for the members and we will do all we can for you x
  8. Is there a book you love, and would recommend to others? Give us the title of the book, authors name, what type of book it is, and a very general what the book is about (dont forget not to give anything away!) I would love to have some suggestions to look though...I love finding new authors
  9. I wont ask you to try and pick your favourite authors as I'm guessing that if you are like me that would be impossible...but why not list all your favourites? You can always add to your list if you find a new author whos work you fall in love with!
  10. Title says it all really lol.. What book are you reading right now? How are you finding it? Is this the first book you have read by this author? Would you recommend it? Ok lots of questions, but you get the idea lol
  11. PRAVILA PSFC-a - VAŽNO! BILO KOJI ČLAN UHVAĆEN DA KRŠI PRAVILA ĆE BITI UPOZOREN, ILI PRIVREMENO ILI ZAUVEK BANOVAN! - ne otkrivajte previše ličnih informacija na forumu pod ovim se podrazumeva i vaša e-mail adresa zapamtite da vam mail mogu poslati drugi članovi preko mail me dugmeta ispod avatara, da bi vam adresa ostala sakrivena. PSFC nije odgovoran za bilo koju štetu nanesenu otkrivanjem ličnih informacija - ne koristite ne primerne (ružne) reči pod ovim se podrazumeva i namerna greška u pisanju da je filter ne bi prepoznao PSFC i Pet Society imaju i članove/korisnike od 13 godina i manje - ne ponašajte se drsko prema bilo kom članu foruma ovo podrazumeva i privatne poruke (PM) i poruke na facebooku - ne postuj samo kako bi ti se povećao broj postova pod tim se podrazumevaju i BUMPovi, dobrodošlice i zahvalnice - pre stavljanja nekog linka za drugi sajt, pošaljite ga Site Administratoru da ga odobri - možete imati samo jedan nalog ako je član uhvaćen da ima više naloga, biće banovan - zabranjeno je promovisati sajtove koji prodaju cash coinse (pod ovim se podrazumeva i Ebay) i koji promovišu hakovanje - potpis (signature) možete imati slike u samo jednom redu ne sme preći granicu od 250x720 px - bilo koji član koji je uhvaćen da koristi igre, takmičenja ili slike sa foruma, na nekom drugom sajtu, biće banovan SISTEM ZA UPOZORAVANJE Bilo koji Moderator ili Admin može da promeni nivo upozorenja nekog člana, zbog kršenja pravila Bićete informisani preko privatne poruke koji je razlog za upozorenje Kada se warning level bar popuni, sledi ban od 7 dana Ukoliko vam se popravi ponašanje, administrator može da vam smanji nivo upozorenja Član koji je : - poznata varalica - uhvaćen u maltretiranju bilo kog člana - pstuje ilegalne linkove i spamuje biće banovan bez upozorenja Ukoliko želite da skrenete pažnju administratora na nešto, pošaljite mu privatnu poruku (PM). Administratori će svemu posvetiti dovoljno pažnje, ali zapamtite da je njihova reč konačna. Ukoliko vas banuju, bićete obavešteni, i daljim žalbama se neće baviti Naš tim Administratora i Moderatora je vrlo aktivan. Trudi se da pregleda sve teme, a akcije će biti preduzete protiv svakog ko krši pravila
  12. I have to be different and say without wig...there are so many pets with wigs on in PS at the moment, she looks more unique without it .... but hey thats just my opinion lol
  13. I like the idea of different colour and sizes of heart stickers
  14. these are the symbols you can use when making threads and such, to make yours stand out from the others
  15. thats a great idea hun...could you add them to this thread HERE thanks hun xx
  16. quick question...how do you do the hearts, like you have in the title
  17. I should of asked, but was rushing to get as much done as possible last night Glad you dont mind
  18. I think it will be a flower of some kind...would love to see another doll or plushie though
  19. This is already in the thread about paw points
  20. /facebook-trading-f2/999-4999-guide-t6032.htm you can have a look here to see which 999's are still in the mystery boxes before trading...its kept up to date, but if you see any mistakes..let us know x
  21. mine is hair decorations..like the slides and hairbands...Rosie never leaves the house without her hair done..so would love more choice in them
  22. http://www.petsociety.forumotion.com/facebook-trading-f2/999-4999-guide-t6032.htm this is a good guide as to waht has been removed and what is still in the boxes
  23. Whats your favourite item of clothing PS has bought out? Is there an item you would love to see??
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