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Everything posted by lea75

  1. http://www.petsociety.forumotion.com/psfc-news-f7/spoiler-prices-december-7th-t6371.htm So what do you think of the prices? Do you think they are reasonable, or all over priced again??
  2. This is one of my favourite Christmas songs I love it!
  3. There are some prices missing....sorry! And a lot of the tree decorations look like they might be coming out of a mystery egg
  4. Not knowing is always the worst part hun Hugs to you and Dan, and let me know how he is You know where I am if you need to talk xxx
  5. lea75


    Please remember that since the recent hack, 'rares' are not worth what they used to be.
  6. hiya and welcome to the group unnecessary bumps are classed as spam, and so I'm going to remove your bump threads in here If you need any help in the group, please let us know and we will do all we can to help
  7. lea75


    glad you managed to get it sorted I'm going to move this to forum help and advice
  8. please wait until the trade is confirmed before sending items I have sent you a pm, which I need you to respond to please gaigui
  9. Tiddly winks have you tried the GMB glich? How to work around the GMB glitch fix in Pet Society: 1. Log in. While in your pet's house, go to "Tools" and Click "Work Offline" 2. Go the Mystery Shop & purchase a Mystery Box. 3. Go home & open your box. 4. If you like the item inside the box, go to "Tools" again and Click "Work Offline" to turn it off. Now "Save". (Remember to be ONLINE when you save or sell your item). 5. If you dont like the item then refresh PS, it will tell you that you need to connect, so click to connect, then when you get back in simply follow step 1 again This is not a hack of any type, you are simply going off line
  10. lea75

    Close please!

    there is one in Rosies swap shop if you want to swap for it in there
  11. I have to brave town later with my son I hate going into town this close to Christmas, especially on a Saturday Oh well, the things we do for our kids lol
  12. A huge thank you to all who have helped me with my projects xx
  13. Hiya and welcome to the group. Please can you make sure all your posts are in English, unless in the dedicated language boards. We have a dedicated Spanish board HERE Can you also please check your facebook link. It is a rule of the group that all members must have a valid facebook link. If you need any help with this they you can have a look HERE
  14. lea75

    Doll shop....

    yes hun I have another one you can have...send me f/r with your username in the message please deer sent and 4999 received..thank you so much ...leaving rep now for you x
  15. lea75


    Please complete all trades in the forum, not in FB chat. If you are worried about your items while trading, then we strongly recommend using a trading referee. Full details can be found HERE
  16. Christmas Music Video Of The Day - December 4th Pogues ft. Kirsty McColl Each and everyday here at PSFC one of the Mods or Admins will select a music video of the day that will feature on the forums, it could be a new release, a great video, a weird video, something controversal, reunion of a band, or just the long awaited return, whatever it is we aim to bring something new and fresh everyday, so...Take a listen, and vote in the poll above and tell us what you think of the track also! [center]
  17. lea75

    Doll shop....

    yes hun I have another one you can have...send me f/r with your username in the message please
  18. I interperate it the same as you.. To me she is trying to make the decision of whether she should tell him how she feels, or carry on keeping it to herself
  19. lea75

    Doll shop....

    If you can make it 7 x 999's they are yours x
  20. So what do you all think of the new tiems?
  21. Hey Pet Society fans! When Sirius decided to go outside today to try and find “?” she was left wandering in wonder with bountiful snow covering the village! She thought it seemed quite magical, and it reminded her that Christmas is on its way, so she trudged through the snow happily! Luckily for Sirius, “?” was quite visible with all of the white snow everywhere, so she spotted him from several houses away, and ran over. “?” appeared to be feeling nearly as festive as Sirius, and after a quick friendly exchange, he passed her the images. Sirius was ecstatic, so after thanking him, she proceeded to dance through the snow towards home. Visibility was reasonably low, and since she was more worried about dancing than well, getting home, she soon bumped into a snowy tree and the snow from the tree completely covered her (and the images) from head to toe. She wriggled out from under the snow, a little cold and wet, but more worryingly, the images were also cold and wet, and no longer clear. Once she eventually arrived home, she sat in front of the fire, with the images; and although both Sirius and the images soon dried off (and warmed up), the images were indecipherable. These new mysterious items are now available in mystery boxes across the village, so sign on to Pet Society via Facebook now to see if you can discover them! These items are available for a limited time only, so find them while you can! (Blue Mystery Box) - Pine cone wall decor (Golden Mystery Box) - Mini festive tree decor (Golden Mystery Box) - Mini Snowman decor We will update this in a few days with images that have not been covered in snow! ~~~ The mysterious items and snow aren’t the only exciting news in the village today though! The daily lottery has changed! “How?” you ask? Well, instead of just receiving a letter each day, the first time you sign on each GMT day you will be able to spin the new lottery wheel! There are various coin amounts up for grabs, plus each day you log in will increase the possible prizes available until you reach the maximum prizes at day 5! And Sirius has heard rumours (please don’t tell anyone she told you) that from day 5 onwards, you will have the chance to win an item in the lottery as well! (And just in case you are wondering who Sirius is, she’s just a pet who lives in the village who loves to act as one of my sources! She also loves telling jokes to her friends, fishing, and eating donuts, plus she is quite excited by snow!)
  22. the spoilers will be released any minute...so keep checking
  23. thank you hun that is really kind of you...f/r sent x
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