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Everything posted by lea75

  1. sounds silly but have you tried logging out and the back in again? Fingers crossed it was just a glich! If not get in touch with playfish straight away, they should be able to tell where the cash shop items were gifted Hope you get this sorted xxx
  2. that is a vry good one hun....we should be able to choose which room people enter in. I often decorate my cc rooms, just because they are the biggest and you can get more in, but no one ever gets to see them
  3. lmao...I take it you have your settings so you get an email everytime someone posts in a thread after you? let me know if you want that changing
  4. I agree...once I got to level 47 I kinda lost interest in earning paw points, there didnt seem quite so much point
  5. thank you good luck with your trade
  6. Bet that got your attention!!!!!!!!!1 What items would you like to see Playfish bring into PS? I remember the last time we did this thread, having pets for our pets was a very popular request...and lo and behold we now have pettlings...so maybe playfish do listen! mine would be: I would love the ability to rotate items in your room, so everything doesnt look so flat. I would also love to be able to click on an item in the shops...then decided which colour I want it in before I buy it. example: click to buy a table...then you have a choice of which colour you want it in...and not just blue or pink!!!!
  7. Nessq please can you add a valid facebook link. This is a rule of PSFC and you cannot trade without it If you need any help then please let myself or any other mod/admin know
  8. hi dear i need another set.. Holiday Elf Set for girls (shoes, hat, dress, pair of mittens) Mad Hatter Set (shoes, hat,jacket,trousers) Blue School Set ( uniform w/ cap) Spaceman Set (shoes, helmet, shirt, pants) Sweet Halloween Set (shoes, ribbon, outfit, bracelet) how much for all dear? Doremom please add a valid facebook link to your profile...this is one of the rules here at PSFC and you cannot trade without one
  9. this is one of the gliches they fixed..the codings have all been changed now so they are both grey. That is all we can get now Hopefully they will releaset the blue mouse at some stage
  10. cheat! Look around all your friends rooms for insperation When we visit (when we have the time that is lol) we tend to only ever see the first room...never really visit the rest...have a good nosy around
  11. lea75


    ALONE???? Whats that? I get very little alone time, and even when I do I am normally running around to try and get everything done
  12. They havent bought any new hair dye colours out for a while so its time they updated it Lilac does sound great...Rosie would certainly be going for a trip to the hair dressers if they bought it out
  13. awwwww bless! Gift bombs are amazing...especially when they come totally out of the blue like this And I have to agree, Lucky Strike is a very generous and amazing person xx
  14. lea75


    Hope you are all well this morning It is Fathers day tomorrow so I am going to take my girls shopping later so they can get a little gift to give their Dad...should be fun as my olderst daughter is very indesisive lol What are you all up to today? x
  15. Farmville has got the same...majority of their items are farmville cash items which you have to pay for...but again you can still play the game just as well without these items
  16. I'm not sure what the elevators are like wher you live...so my advice is only based on the elevators here in the UK There are sensors in the doors which mean that they will not actually close fully on you...once the sensors pick you up then the doors will open (hope they have this where you live lol) My piece of advice though...do you have a button in the elevator to hold the doors open, it might have a symbol like this on it If you do then could you get someone to go in before you and hold this button down so you know that the doors wont close? It doesnt sound like you are clautrophobic as you are fine once you get into the elevator so have no problems with enclosed spaces, its more of a problem getting in and out Hope you manage to find a way to get over this hun xx
  17. Happy Birthday Lorie..hope you have a great day xx
  18. have to say that I have seen Yvette's avitar and kept meaning to ask her about it.....Riuna I cannot believe that you hand drew this! It is absoloutely amazing!! You are such a talented artist!
  19. fanatsic advice Kathy xx
  20. lea75

    So excited!!

    all Ieuans friends were here and they all laughed at me as I started bouncing up and down on the settee....of course they all started to take the mickey out of the film then so I threatened to kick them all out
  21. Please dont quit hun...there is so much you can do to your pets home without cc items...they are a luxury not a necessity! I know this will make me come across really Mumsy now so sorry...but in some ways it is a good thing,,,,it teaches you that you can not always get what you want....and if there is something that you really really want then you have to save for it. I dont buy a huge amount of cash coins as I cant afford it....so save up so when there is a new item that I really want I can get it .....maybe you can do this?? Save everyweek and then if there is a cc item you really, really want then you will able to trade for it? Anyway hun, please dont quit just over this
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