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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 7

    Nope, because she's not ugly, but we both told her she's so much prettier without it, and she is. She doesn't wear it at all now, just has her various ear piercings and her navel. I guess she had her fad. I can't help it, I just found it very sinister looking Hi, morning Frannie. See you Kijo
  2. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 7

    FINALLY FINALLY FOUND it! TOOK FOREVER. oops caps! Sorry Kijo, we used to nag YD about her piercings (does that make me old)
  3. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 7

    See you Bee xxx I just have to find some paperwork for IMOM...
  4. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 7

    See you Army, goodnight and sweet dreams. WB Kijo
  5. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 7

    Just realised it's April everywhere now, so we ought to be on a new thread, but never mind. Speaking of April: The Daily Telegraph newspaper has a suspicious looking story on page 3, and on its website, revealing that ferrets are to be used to deliver broadband to rural areas. The animals have been used by Virgin Media for more than a year to help lay cables for its broadband service, the company has disclosed. The ferrets wear jackets fitted with a microchip which is able to analyse any breaks or damage in the underground network. ... Jon James, director of broadband for Virgin Media, said: "For hundreds of years, ferrets have helped humans in various jobs. Our decision to use them is due to their strong nesting instinct, their long, lean build and inquisitive nature, and for their ability to get down holes. We initially kept the trial low-key as we wanted to assess how well the ferrets fitted into our operations before revealing this enterprising scheme." Ferrets have been used to run cables through hard-to-reach places in the past. Events organisers in London used them to run television and sound cables outside Buckingham Palace for the wedding of the Prince of Wales and the late Diana, Princess of Wales.
  6. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 7

    Hiya Bee, are you at home or work today?
  7. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 7

    Aaaw Army, no worries. I hear about so many people who live with in laws and have a miserable life. I just had a Boogie moment lol. Socks chasing Dennis so I yelled so loud the whole of the south east could hear what a fish wife I can be when I want! Then Socks came in and I scooped him up and loved him, and gave him cuddles from his aunty BG, his aunty Army, his aunty Dawn, his aunty Boogaloo (he thinks I'm mad) (I think he's being naughty this morning so as I don't feel so bad later when he goes)
  8. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 7

    Hi Dawn, enjoy your girlie weekend and thanks for the love! Army, you're right. Boogs, don't worry yourself, they'll be fine and a cuddle later will put you right.
  9. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 7

    Boogs - btw, show me a parent who says they never balled out their kids, and I'll show you someone who's telling porky pies!
  10. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 7

    Is Kijo doing breakfasts? Aaaw you guys - so much love for the little man (and me, yes tissues at the ready please)
  11. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 7

    I'm going to smother Socksyboy in hugs and kisses (and then sneeze all afternoon lol) IMOM said goodbye this morning and he's sent me a Skype message for him too saying Good Luck Socks. He said last night, if he doesn't settle get him back, and he'll stay. Funny how a little body can win you over against your will eh? Bye BG and if I don't see you - have a good weekend.
  12. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 7

    (((Boogie))) what a start to the day. I haven't opened PS at all yet, been chasing Socks around the kitchen, hall and living room lol - he has a bit of mischief in him this morning. He's out now in the SUNSHINE!!!
  13. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 7

    Hi Army I shall really miss him, he's such a character - Dennis will be glad of the peace and quiet again though, poor old boy has been pretty stressed by Socks at times.
  14. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 7

    Hiya Socks's last morning with me, he's being picked up at 2pm (it's now 9.11
  15. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 7

    Night Sweetpea, we're for turning in now too anyway. See you tomorrow x
  16. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 7

    Night Boo x IMOM is playing with Socks now, and Socks just 'Katoed' him, silly man, he thinks you can play rough and not get caught lol. I'll really miss him, but it's best for Dennis that peace is restored again (and good for our allergies too) I can't believe I just typed that and then sneezed three times...oops make that 5!
  17. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 7

    Hi BG I survived the drive in the weather! Was really late getting in though and then had bags and bags of shopping to sort out (still not finished) And - it's Socks's last night with us - boo hoo - I'm really sad about it
  18. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 7

    If I got paid for all the time I spend on the phone OH could retire! Just free now!
  19. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 7

    I am here hugging - on the phone now though (which means I'm pretty useless)
  20. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 7

    Is Tanya here? Aaaw big group hug!
  21. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 7

    Gaaah sorry Army, I'm fine thanks, umpteen bags of shopping to put away and of course, I'm sad as it's Socks's last night with us. Hi Boogs, Hi Boo
  22. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 7

    I've just got in, give me a moment!
  23. Well done Lea - and what a great skill to have!
  24. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 7

    ^ love them, but now those pics are making me feel so guilty! I have to love and leave you - I wish I could stay indoors all day, but I have to brave the outdoors! See you soon x
  25. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 7

    http://igrowveg.com/2010/03/introducing-the-inside-out-strawberry-the-pineberry/ I love the bit about the birds leaving them! If you Google it's in lots of papers not just the first link I posted.
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