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Everything posted by melly

  1. yes glad everyone else got home ok - a fantastic bunch of guys. Really enjoyed it
  2. Had an absolutely epic weekend cant wait for next years - even gonna work on dave about getting a tent so we can tour England on the bike wish me luck with that one guys
  3. me too i am too excited to concentrate on my studying
  4. this time tomorrow we'll be on our way
  5. I've put my toothbrush in the top box so im ready and sooooo excited
  6. 2014 would be better for me - already used 11 days of next years annual leave going to the TT next year mind you dave may prefer next year - depends if he wants me to come along - maybe need to see how next weekend goes
  7. send me a pm and we'll half the prize :lo l: Lol i live with the quiz setter - u can have the prize i know how rubbish it will be
  8. Got new waterproof boots so im sorted xx
  9. I am sooooo excited this is my first ride out and the lakes is my favourite place in the whole world
  10. my brother is 50 on sunday - got to print this out for him - he will most probably get the but i think its funny
  11. melly

    HI all

    Hi and welcome
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