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Everything posted by smilinjack

  1. I always display maximum courtesy to lorries as I appreciate what a pisser it is for them if they have to lose speed. Simple truth is though that a percentage of truckers are asswipes who aren't slow to chuck their weight around. And when you have to follow one of these lamp post pissing sessions when truck A is doing 57 and truck B is doing 57.5 it's no laughing matter. Perhaps a decent rail network and toll motorways as on the continent might leave the roads clear for selfish people like me. Or them.
  2. Had an artic in lane 3 of the M1 tonight on the way to dad's ban the bastids I say!
  3. Got to disagree I'm afraid. Bit crap I thought TBH and certainly nowhere near tonight's Corrie pt 2-Steve McDonald playing 5 a side and a gay discovering heterosexuality, and getting chinned for his trouble. You can't get your breath.........
  4. No m8 they're supplied to the leisure/retail industry so it's DIY if you want a number
  5. well only massive sizes Going through the racks at work & I've found two boxes of Front Row rugby shirts. Only got Large & XL, Navy or Ecru. They were rejected due to the number patches not being sewn on straight. I don't know what postage would be but anyone interested at say £10 posted?
  6. Very good side stand-it appears to be able to hold the bike up while several inches in the air
  7. Done Millau 2/3 times. It's not far from there to the Cevennes National Park-some decent roads to be had there. But Italy is fabulous. We did the Dolomites in 2007 although not the Stelvio. I think it was the best bike trip ever until I did the N-260 this summer. That's highly recommended. PS if you're going south of France it's worth doing the extra & going over the pass near Portbou into Spain. There's a great stretch where you look up to the mountain top & down about 700ft to the Med. Make for the Cap de Creus, have lunch in Cadaques.
  8. If I can spring the dollar I'll be riding my newly MoT'd ZZR1200 to my apartment in Spain and collecting my VFR to ride back to get the MoT done. Don't know about route-I did the N-260 Pyrenees route from Santander & flew back in July, was wondering about same outwards then up through France return leg via the Route Napoleon. Depends on available holiday & money.
  9. Sacrilege. Whoever did that should be flogged with barbed wire and excommunicated.
  10. It's a hoax, unlike this one that is being trialled in North Wales.....
  11. I normally get email notification for Bottesford via Alby at Suzuki Owners-I'll post up as soon as I hear anything.
  12. It's an unfortunate fact that historically, more companies go bust coming out of recession than during the actual slowdown. It has to be said that Comet had a pretty dated looking business model, but I don't suppose they will be the last.
  13. For those who remember the great storm of 1987 which the BBC weatherman famously said wouldn't happen, this is the son of the lady who phoned the Beeb on that night. You can't write it http://audioboo.fm/boos/1007344-greatstorm-25-years-on-the-caller-named-brian-nick-pandolfi
  14. Just Google "current time" you turnip
  15. LSD stopped a lad in my town drinking some years ago. He tried to fly from an upstairs window and broke his back. Perhaps he thought it was the Window of Perception. That article is unmitigated bollox.
  16. I'd wait Dick. It always takes a year or two to get any Windows version close to right. I agree with Gaz, I still run XP at work but I do quite like 7.
  17. good news Robbie and yes the Kwak is a handsome bike.
  18. If you fancy a very comfy, left of centre sports tourer, look around for an Aprilia Futura. A V twin motor has to be right dunnit?
  19. Don't know what sort of budget you're on Stue but ZZRs can be picked up cheap enough, apart from 1400s of course. Super all rounders, comfort and power to spare. That said, I love my little VFR which I went to Spain on. And they sound a treat when you wind them up a bit
  20. Looks likely that I'll put a few trips to my dad's on the ZZR. I don't know if work will be too happy if I keep banging 700 miles a week on my company car just to do a bit of babysitting as it were, so need to spread the load.
  21. If I'm honest pretty much any racing is boring. You get the odd scrape or ding dong but a lot of the time it's like watching a train set.
  22. Curious choice of backing music. Perhaps a shame Ian Curtis didn't have some means of keeping himself stable.
  23. Quote from someone who was there..... "No one hit anyone there was just a 12 person scrum for the boot and two little brothers were knocked over. The smaller one is not in shot. What annoyed me more was that the father of the two small boys left his two kids to climb over the fence into pitlane to get closer for a pic and didn't even see what had happened to his sons....p.s. I was 10 feet away"
  24. Quite right Dave, I read an eye witness report which said there was just a scrum of around 12 people for this boot and it just so happened this kid copped a smack out of it. All right Shakey saying this or that, but if you lob stuff into a crowd it's no surprise if it ends in tears for someone.
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