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Everything posted by smilinjack

  1. Well, I had this job in Ireland to get to today, so I left my dad's (*) at 7 this morning in plenty of time for my ferry from Holyhead. Despite severe delays around the M67/M60, I arrived an hour before departure to find the crossing was cancelled due to high winds, so I had to wait until 2pm for a proper ship to get me across. Left Dublin around 6 on my way finally to Cork. Coming down the M8 about 20 miles from Cork, had to swerve out of the path of some numpty driving the wrong way up the road Arrived at the hotel to find my company credit card refused at the check in desk Can't wait for tomorrow (*) The main reason I've not been on much lately is my dad's really poorly, so I have to drive up to Barnsley every night to be with him overnight. He's got advanced pulmonary fibrosis and atrial fibrillation. Simply put, either his heart or his lungs are going to do for him and probably not in the distant future. So he's my no 1 job just at present.
  2. Well, I had this job in Ireland to get to today, so I left my dad's (*) at 7 this morning in plenty of time for my ferry from Holyhead. Despite severe delays around the M67/M60, I arrived an hour before departure to find the crossing was cancelled due to high winds, so I had to wait until 2pm for a proper ship to get me across. Left Dublin around 6 on my way finally to Cork. Coming down the M8 about 20 miles from Cork, had to swerve out of the path of some numpty driving the wrong way up the road Arrived at the hotel to find my company credit card refused at the check in desk Can't wait for tomorrow (*) The main reason I've not been on much lately is my dad's really poorly, so I have to drive up to Barnsley every night to be with him overnight. He's got advanced pulmonary fibrosis and atrial fibrillation. Simply put, either his heart or his lungs are going to do for him and probably not in the distant future. So he's my no 1 job just at present.
  3. Welcome to the nuthouse. I expect you'll get some sound advice about your bike if you ask.
  4. Yeah same here, looking forward to this one. Fingers crossed for the guy.
  5. Sadly Tony I think in many respects you're spot on. It has changed, but still plenty to go in my view. I quit the organisation for pretty much those reasons but I'd never discourage someone from having a go.
  6. There's your start then dude. Make yourself known to the area rep who will be setting this up, and he/she can give you some guidance.
  7. What it's about will depend upon the local membership, particularly the reps. Some tackle mainly local issues such as use of bus lanes, local road surfaces etc, others prefer to concentrate on lobbying by mail and email to local councillors and of course MPs. They generally run a rally or similar fundraiser for both local and central funds. It's actually what you make it to a large extent Chad. If you have a bee in your bonnet about diesel spills, poor road surfacing or whatever, get it on the agenda and do something about it.
  8. My mate had one years go. Easy to park-he'd drive the front end in then we'd lift the rear into place
  9. Christ Chad we've had some of those. Got more bits than Peugeot. A bit prone to head gasket troubles until they went to front mount intercoolers with the Hdi. The 2.1 TD is a a doable conversion too.
  10. The accountant recently finished our last year's figures, and yesterday a cheque from HMRC arrived. £652.60 Then I went to Go Outdoors and bought a rucksack. Did a web search beforehand (price match) and got an £80 bag for £54. Then the assistant dropped a bollock and actually charged me £45. Today two people came to see me at work. One bought a machine I was planning to scrap and gave me £300. Then another chap pitched up and bought an old machine reader which I paid nothing for, and was happy to give me £175. So although I've had to work as well this weekend and not had a walk or ride, I'm really quite chuffed with things. Don't mean to gloat but isn't it nice when fortune smiles down on you?
  11. Just picked this up and it's worth repeating. A plod with a very keen sense of humour. Hope his superiors saw it that way too. http://www.policeassn.org.nz/newsroom/publications/featured-articles/beginner%E2%80%99s-guide-police-harassment
  12. In an uncharacteristically quick response to the cash crisis, the Royal Mint has issued a new ten pound note. May add impetus to quantitative easing
  13. i have a mate who does this in london, when he comes back to moreton he likes to look up a few old girlfriends.does he decorate his house through the letter box too ? Yeah & checks his valve clearances up the exhaust pipe.
  14. As one wag on another forum observed, if you lived in Goole you'd be happy to spend three nights in a ditch!!
  15. Yeah may have spoiled what was bubbling up to be a close run championship. Still time but a lot of pressure off wee Georgie now I reckon. Dani has to ride to win from here on in.
  16. Did he win then? I thought he just managed to stay on long enough to get runner up thanks largely to crashes & retirements.
  17. Don't have a moat but I did buy my ZZR on the business & reclaimed the VAT. Happy days
  18. Certainly is mate. It's just where you cross the bridge on the way to Snake Pass. Funnily enough the next day a Lancaster passed over me near Chesterfield. I wondered if it was going to Ladybower for the commemorative flypast as that's where they practised the Dambusters raid.
  19. Knew I could depend on you mate. Yes, that's Win Hill on the Sheffield end of Snake Pass. And it's a much tougher climb than the photo might indicate
  20. Wainwrong checking in again. Out for our Sunday stroll and found ourselves up here. Can't see the road in the pic I'm afraid but this is the view from the road.... I'd guess a fair few of you have seen that hill but what's the road?
  21. First prize!! That left hand bend at the top of pic 2 pretty much plonks you outside the pub. Good work mate.
  22. Good work Garry, nice old "proper" VFR at the end of the row there.
  23. I know, it's getting like the Ramblers on here. Could be worse, I could have a caravan So, who recognises this well known stretch of road in first two pics? On the way back we spotted this one. Chrome Hill, also known as the dragon's back. Not the best angle but you get the idea.
  24. Ford Territory.....not a bike I'm familiar with when we went to Spain for a fortnight I think my Mrs could happily have filled a box with cosmetics, hair straighteners, you name it. But if three fibreglass boxes nailed to the bike is the price I must pay for such excellent biking, so be it.
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