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Everything posted by smilinjack

  1. You didn't come to look at my dividing wall did you though?
  2. Go out Dave. I'd have come out but guess what-I've got to stand at that sodding machine again to help the wife out.
  3. The hotel is about a 300 yd walk to Moulin Rouge Stan some years ago we had a whip round then drew lots to visit one of the, erm, locals. Handsome Dave won the gig but suffered a Fail to Launch at the crucial moment.
  4. Booked on Eurotunnel for the first time next Friday. I always go for the ferry but with the weather being how it is I figured it might not be such a good idea. Plus it will be a bit of time saved both ways. So I will be Amsterdam for two nights (I will be working on Saturday)should have time to visit one or two museums or churches though.
  5. Another weekend, another MoT test, this time my ZZR. Needed to get it done as it would have expired while I'm in Amsterdam. Anyhoo, it passed with a couple of advisories. 1. Drive chain slightly tight what idiot did that 2. Don't go out in daylight with that ****ing top box on. Nah just kidding it's another 12 months of happy days so I'm a happy bunny
  6. I have to agree with everything Bladerunner said. However, we're getting a bit excited here. These are currently proposals, although I've no doubt the fines (sic) in particular will go up. And isn't there that ridiculous "victim tax" to go on top as well? But it all comes down to enforcement. Without a plod on every corner nothing will change too much-some people are just going to get unlucky while the vast majority continue to drive like turnips and get away with it.
  7. Nice one Jezza. Looks like my turn next weekend-I've got to organise a ride to Amsterdam to service a machine.
  8. Happy birthday and you've got oyur bike sorted now-happy days.
  9. Look on the bright side Chad-if you keep working maybe you'll be able to actually go to the TT next year.
  10. Thanks all. Only just got in-my birthday present was to run the machine for the wife tonight still every day's my birthday with her maybe she's saving the best til last............
  11. Blimey, check this out. Some of the badges I've got are rally badges from the old bike club I used to help run. Anyway, I just Googled for an image and sure enough, I've found one. T'internet is a truly amazing thing. http://www.flickr.com/photos/moonshinersmcc/5615869837/
  12. Soz about that m8,they were in my coat pocket but I just forgot in all the excitement!
  13. Nice work Chad-I've got all the reg numbers as indeed will anyone else who views this.
  14. Yeah was nice to meet up, just a shame I had to shoot off a bit early. Just came back from work the scenic route to make up for it.
  15. Hope this works..... https://maps.google.co.uk/?ll=56.201608,-4.709181&spn=0.002432,0.008256&t=m&z=18&layer=c&cbll=56.20155,-4.709114&panoid=bvEQFu23zZ8W7TB9Fd9LxQ&cbp=12,127.23,,0,20.41
  16. I might just join you mate. I've not got a lot of time (got to work again) but I did fancy a quick spin on my now road legal VFR so breakfast in Matlock is as good as anything else.
  17. ....which of course it passed without problem. Just going to apply for a tax disc now and I've got a month to be sure it's OK before the big boat However, I got into conversation with a lad who was having his bike tested before mine. He said he was just getting it ready for sale-only a ZX7R in Chris Walker colours. Be still my beating heart so despite myself I've got his number and if I do sell the Bandit soonish I will see if he's still got it. Really wanted a Falco but I'm a sucker for the Big Green. I'd need to get the price down somewhat mind you
  18. a tow bar for a special item Funnily enough I almost floated the idea of a trailer for Melly's gear to the TT next year, but I was a bit concerned it may get taken seriously
  19. I've got an installation in Barrow in Furness next week and what little I know of it makes me want to be somewhere else is there much there or should I plot up somewhere like Coniston and commute in? I may well be there for three or more nights.
  20. Dude, calm down. From time to time things are said in the heat of the moment or at an inopportune time that perhaps would have been better unsaid. It's no biggie and I for one don't want to see you, or anyone else for that matter, feel the need to leave the forum for such a small thing.
  21. Haven't used a disc lock since mine wouldn't unlock for over an hour before finally giving in. I was parked at Assen racetrack at the time.
  22. Agreed Josh, I don't want to see this forum go sour either. Play nicely children!!
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