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Everything posted by lee1

  1. lee1


    welcome to the forum
  2. you wouldnt get me on one of them chad lol cheers all was a great day out,plenty of sun hear what ya saying mick,Dont think theres any indoor ones round here that adremaline alley is a good 90 mile away from me
  3. Looks well now you will need to do 100+ before you fill up or there abouts
  4. we didnt take the bmx as his mate wanted to come,but will get some bmx pics when we next go to the bmx track Heres a few random pics from the skate park of me lad [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] This next one got me he is more aless doing a hand stan while riding the scooter [img][/img] [img][/img] You got to see some of these kids,totally different to when I was a kid there absolutely fearless There was a kid doing back flips on his bmx heres a old vid of the said kid
  5. great pics tony,looks like our summer time
  6. nice one mick cheers for posting them me lad enjoyed that dont think me lads into back flips yet lol,but hes getting there will post some stuff tomorrow
  7. last time I went on a push bike broke both wrists will get some pics for ya all
  8. good hear justice served stue,bet you wished you could serve your own justice on him hope mrs stue and family get something back
  9. Im taking the camera get ready
  10. all new lee weren't the bottom arm new to
  11. taking the lad out with his stunt scooter,Im taking his bmx Im sure I can still bmx,the lad just keeps laughing I will show him
  12. nice one dave I will be out for the first run next week no work and I aint got the lad
  13. nice one chad did you check the anti roll bar drop links there made of toffee
  14. They will polish up nice to I would be interested in a set
  15. just shown the lad but think it may have been a mistake great vids
  16. Cheers Got a few more but I didn't want to hi-jack the thread with them ya dont want to spoil daves outing
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